Chapter One: Awakening

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It was cloudy and rain was hitting the ground; in the alleyway, there was a body on the ground. The person on the floor groaned, then their eyes shot open. They were gasping and slowly got up, then stumbled a bit and fell on their knees. They looked around, trying to get a grasp of their surroundings. They spotted an old mirror on the floor, so they crawled over to it and looked at their reflection.

The person was a 5' 8 male with tan skin. With brown hair at shoulder length, his bangs were on the left side of his face, covering something. He had a mullet. He was soaked and covered in blood from head to toe. He had two moles on the right side of his check. He was wearing a red sweater with a black stripe going diagonally from left to right and black jeans, but they were dirty and ripped. He had black sneakers. He put his left hand to his face and then got scared; his left hand was a black claw, so he looked at his right hand, which was normal. Then there were 2 small black horns and a thin black furry tail.

"W-what happened to me?" He asked himself. His left hand was shaking.

He looked around more and noticed a path; he got up slowly and walked limping, following the path, which eventually led to a sidewalk and a crowd of people. He looked around. It was a huge city filled with apartments, houses, shops, stores, malls, small restaurants, huge restaurants, businesses, and libraries. The people were walking around doing what they do normally.

He walked through a crowd of people who were staring at him weird like he was a murderer or a gang member. They were staring at him as he walked and were murmuring. He continued walking around, he was uncomfortable. It was more uncomfortable for Jay until he felt someone staring at him, but the stare felt like a glare. but he didn't know who or where it was. So he was cautious, and with every step he took, he looked around.

Then an ice shard flew past his face from behind and he dodged. He was lucky to dodge The bystanders walking were scared and shocked, so the person looked behind him to see who threw that. Then another one flew by, aiming for him; he dove, and the shard hit the street lamp. The person who was shooting this walked forward; he was holding a sword made out of ice.

"Are you correct, Jay?" " A demon?" The person holding the sword asked.

"What if I am, what is it to you?" He responded.

"So here you are; I am Alakai, and I'm here to take your life." Alakai said. Jay clenched his fist. Alakai stood 5'11, had white hair with a light blue fade, and pale skin. The bangs were more on the right side of his face, with little strands to the right. Yellow eyes. a scar on the left side of his face. black horns like those of a dragon on his head. He was wearing a gray sweater with a black jacket over it. black cargo pants and black boots. He was holding a sword made of ice.

The rain continued hitting the ground, Alakai lunged at Jay and swung his sword at him, which was blocked by his arm. Blood dripped down his arm and hit the floor as the blade dug deep into his arm. The bystanders ran, took footage, or called the cops. Alakai clenched his teeth. Jay swung his leg to kick him, but he blocked it with his arm and grabbed his leg. He twists it, leaving a snapping sound. Jay let out a painful scream and fell back as he lost balance. He slowly got up and tried to keep balanced. The pain slowly went away as he got up, with red electricity covering his body as it healed. Alakai swung a fist at him, and it hit him in the face. The impact caused him to spit out a fang, and a new one grew in its place.

Alakai's hand turned into a dragon claw, and he swung. He kept swinging until his claws made contact with Jay's chest and dug in deep. Leaving claw marks, but the brunette spitting out blood as he dug the claws deeper. He drew his claws and stood there watching the other fall. Blood dripped from his claws as he watched the other bleed, but red electricity covered the wound, and it slowly healed. He sat up, and the two made eye contact. The light blue haired man grabbed his sword and lifted it up, ready to kill the brunette. As he lifted his hand up to take the lunge, it was blocked by a knife that was in his hand.

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