Chapter Two: Job hunting

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As the next day arrived, the rain went away. The sun was shining and the birds were chirping outside. Jay was still in bed, sleeping. The bed was very comfortable and he didn't want to leave, and of course slept the whole morning away. There was a knock on the door and he groaned and shuffled in the bed laying on his side. There was a few minutes of silence then there was another knock on the door.

"Who is it?". He asked, still half asleep and annoyed. There was no response. He assumed it was kids doing ding dong ditch or someone messing around so he closed his eyes and resumed his sleeping. Then there was another knock. He groaned and slammed his fist on the bed.

"Will you quit knocking on the door if you're not gonna tell me who the fuck you are!". He yelled in frustration. There was silence for a few moments and he sighed in relief and laid his head down and closed his eyes. Then another knock on the door was heard. He growled, got up and walked towards the door. He wanted to kill whoever was at the door. As he started to walk towards the door and tripped on his tail that was wrapped around his leg and fell on his face.

"FUCK!". He screamed. He got up, and his tail was wrapped around his leg. He got more pissed off. He walked towards the door. He summoned a knife and opened the door to see a kid. Jay quickly put the knife away. The kid looked around to be 12-14. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin. He wore a white t-shirt with some sort of cartoon on it. Dark blue sweatpants and socks on.

    "Who are you?". He asked.

    "You're the new person here?". The kid asked.

"Yea,". He responded. "What do you want? I'm trying to sleep and

it's early in the morning".

    "You're weird,". He spoke.

    "And I will kick your little ass to Neptune,". He said, annoyed.

    "And I will tell my uncle,". He said smugly.

    "Who's your uncle?". He asked, then crossed his arms.

    "Uncle Mateo,". He responded. Then Jay's attitude went from annoyed to oh shit.

    "Sorry for that threat,". He said nervously.

    "I'm Markus and you are?". He asked.

    "Jay,". He responded.

    "See ya around Jay,". He said then walked away. This was one awkward conversation. He closed the door and sat on the bed. He started thinking he could live here but then he needed a job. What job tho? At a fast food restaurant? At a store like Walmart or Target? He thought more. Where could he work? He stretched. Job hunting was hard. He remembered when he was young, his brother would have a hard time finding a job. He had no laptop of course to do research, He remembered his phone but it was left somewhere so he needed a new one. It was a miracle that he was already thinking about this, but Celos explained this to him when he spent his days in hell. Celos was a nice demon.

He sat on the bed thinking about where to start, which was to go out and look around to find a place where he could go to apply too. So he grabbed his shoes, put them on and got up. Then opened his door and walked into the main lobby where he saw Mateo sitting at the desk giving him the usual creepy smile.

"Jay! I have something to discuss with you,". He said.

"Uh yea?". He asked, hoping Markus didn't tell him. He got up and

walked over to him.

"I'm sure that if you stay here permanently you gotta pay rent,". He spoke.

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