Chapter 10: Changes

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2 days have passed since the attack on team Delta. The news has been non-stop broadcasting it. People were worried already and Jay was one of those worried people. He was sitting on the bed thinking if he was sure if he should be worried but who was he worried for? He shook his head to ignore odd thoughts which were clearly telling him that he was worried for Kristen. He wasn't close with her and only knew her for two days. The only person he was close with is Rose. He has known her since he was 11.

But that's besides the point. Where was that small demon? He looked around for her and she was nowhere to be found. As usual. There are ideas of where she would be but she could go anywhere and do anything as she is more of a free spirit. It was a pain in the ass to deal with her and he couldn't sell her. Rose was an idiot you could hate but you could never get rid of her as it would hurt your soul.

"They're still talking about the attack?". She asked as she got out of the bathroom and sat on the bed.

"Yea,". He replied.

"We need a bigger room, I know! We can ask the boss man if we can make it bigger!". She exclaimed.

"That's gonna be a lot of money,". He responded.

"I'm rich, remember!". She exclaimed again. He sighed.

"And i'm tired,". He made a small joke then yawned, the small demon rolled her eyes.

The room only had the bed room which was big and left of the room. The kitchen was in the top right corner of this apartment. The only solution was getting a smaller bed which was currently probably a king size, maybe a full size bed. The two demons weren't sure what to do. Ask the boss to renovate.

"Anyways, what has the news said about the attack?". She asked.

"They said that they are looking for the perpetrators of the brawl,". He replied.

"It's been 2 days and they're still looking? If i was them I'd let it go". She commented.

"They can't necessarily let it go, they gotta prove to the citizens that they can trust them". He responds. Rose found that part stupid, sure she found this amusing but they at least gotta quit. That is what she would do. She wouldn't even care if the victims were still in danger or their families were weeping. It was time to quit and give up, she knew that.
"Didn't know you were that heartless,". He spoke.

"I just know when to quit,". She responds.

"I guess that's something,". He said and looked back at the TV. They were still talking about the fight, it was breaking news after all. He grabbed the remote and switched the channels but it was all the same.


There was a meeting in the underground city, everyone was gathered in the plaza. The creatures were confused as to what was the important message that had to be delivered. There was a stage with a podium, there were higher class citizens sitting on the chairs there. They were waiting for someone to arrive and that someone was taking their sweet time. Ray ran into the crowd pushing through every citizen looking for Alakai. They gave him dirty looks and scoffed.

Alakai was standing in front of the huge crowd. He did not like what was gonna happen but he didn't know what to expect. His gut feeling was telling him that this wasn't gonna be good.

"Master!". A voice yelled. He turned around to see Ray running up to him.

"Ah, little one. How is hunting and training?". He asked.

"I'm getting paid and frequently going to the river in the woods to practice ice magic. That's besides the point, what's going on here?". He asked.

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