||Chapter 16||

Comincia dall'inizio

"I'm sorry that I unknowingly robbed you of the chance to say goodbye," the professor sounded genuinely apologetic as he spoke, "but if my memory is serving me correctly...I believe one of your friends is only a short walk away."

"Huh?" You blinked and perked up- tears still streaming down your face- eyes wide at the fact he still remembered after twenty years and you blushed lightly, embarrassed that you were now just a student with a crush on your professor.

"Although personal relationships of any kind between students and professors are strictly forbidden...I'm sure that what I don't see can't hurt me." He squeezed your shoulder before removing his hand from you, flashing you a knowing smile before taking a step back. "Besides, I'm sure that particular professor could use a friend."

You stared at him before letting out a scoff. "What are you talking about, old man."

Dumbledore let out a chuckle, He knew how close you and Severus were in the past, and he was offering to turn a blind eye so that you might rekindle that bond.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way." You apologized, wiping your tears. "Sorry. Again. I have to go."

You turned and quickly went to open the door leading to the exit, shame flooding you to the core to how disrespectful you had just acted. You pulled the door open and paused, turning to meet the headmaster's eye once more. "Thank you, Sir," you said with a smile before swiftly taking your leave.

Surprisingly, he smiled. "This has been a lovely chat, (Name). Be sure to take a rest, now hurry along, you have to get going."

You stood outside the door of the Potions Classroom as you had so many times before. Your breathing was laboured and you were allowing yourself a moment to get it back in check. Your heart was racing, you had assumed from practically running to the classroom, but even as your breathing steadied, your heart continued to pound.

Although it had been less than an hour since the professor had last seen you, it had been three months since you’d last seen him. Technically, you’d seen him every day for the past three months, but not like this.

The anticipation of seeing him again was nerve-wracking. You knew things about him now that you hadn’t before. He had told you about his family life, about how he had grown up poor with a shitty father. He had poured his heart out telling you how much you meant to him, how you had changed him and how he knew what love was meant to be because of you.

But two decades had passed since that boy had known you. You hadn’t been able to say goodbye and you never got the chance to explain why you had to go. You thought about how you would feel if that had happened to you. If you confessed that you loved someone, even a teenage version of love, and they disappeared without a word the same day. Would he hate you? Most likely. And then, you remembered something all of a sudden.

"—You remind so much of her..."

 his words echo through your mind. The person you reminded him of…it was you. How...fascinating. Everything was connected. The past, the future and the present. And, even the fact that you travelled here, was connected. Although it was fascinating and amazing at the same time, you felt something similar to sadness. Why, you wondered. You felt like crying for some reason. You were so unsure about seeing him after all this time, but you couldn’t think of anywhere else that you wanted to be after three months. You let out an irritated sigh before knocking on the door and letting yourself in.

As you entered the study, all of the comforts of home filled your senses. The strong smell of parchment hung in the air like the specs of dust that danced through the streams of light beaming through the windows. The fire crackled steadily in the backdrop of the room, the sound joining with the scratching of a quill was music to your ears. You scanned the familiar room, relishing in its warmth and comfort until your eyes met what you were looking for. Behind the desk, sitting as always, was Professor Severus Snape. You’d only seen him moments ago, but twenty years had passed, and it showed.

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