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On the scene, they were working on a podium and phew decorations. Man was alredy waiting on the podium to start biding war, everyone, including Luke and Ahsoka went closer to it. There wasn't that much people, maybe thirty or something present, plenty of them visibly enjoying eachother company, which told Luke competition is not that great.

"Let's beggin, shall we?" Presenter started. "Welcome all of you on our little meeting, in a place of wonders and treasures. I have a thing or two, that might catch your eye. Some of the items were leaked to be present today, but I'm sure a fabulous suprise will not miss you. There is a lot going on in the galaxy, am I right?" Presenter said after a little pause. Luke found himself quite cought in the act of listening to him. "We hear a lot and we share even more opinions about the things we hear. But, let's not forget how to behave like civilized people. We are not here to fight, we are here to buy and share. We are here to talk and listen. WE are beyond politics. Let's leave outside galaxy where it belongs, outside. Here we are. Raise your glasses and let's start our biding war."

It started with the ancient stone with writing on it. Luke was not interested in any artifact besides the awaited caber crystal, but Ahsoka seemed to get intereseted in the selled thing. She walked closer to try and read what was written but quickly sitted down. Then she actually bid on it. "What are you doing?" Luke asked her.

"I'm curious." She just said. "Keep down. You will get what you came here for." She added and gave him reassuring pat on the arm.

She quickly got outbided, but Luke didn't notice it upseting her in any case. He also noticed a person that had a Hut on holoprojector called. His body tensed, but Ahsoka grabbed his hand in a moment and looked him in the eyes. She turned to the direction he was facing and spotted the same thing as him. "Don't lose yourself, Luke. It's not even Jabba on the projector." She said. Luke felt a soothing presence of Ahsoka at the time and let go. He started looking around to take off his mind, while Ahsoka returned to biding. She again placed a bid on something, some small, decorative tree which Luke couldn't even tell is alive or artificial.

He noticed a man with dark, long hair dressed in all white suit, accompanied by two, beautifull women with a bit to excesive make up for boy's liking, one Twi'Led and one Togruta. The man caught his attention because he was clearly watching over Luke and Ahsoka table.  When their eyes met, the man made a chipish grin that revealed shining white teeth to him and lied down, to which both women lied onto his arms. Luke could swear one of them also looked at him with a little smirk.

Biding went for a phew moments more, thruout which Luke kinda forgot about the guy, before he felt a little shift in Ahsoka. Worker brough a cane, shining on top of with little green glow.

"This was a present made for the one of old royalties from outer rims long time ago by his familie when he went to retire. Want to make someone feel old, buy him a cane as a gift, am I right?" Presenter spoke about an item. Luke first noticed Ahsoka's eyes light up for a moment. He quickly reached out with a force towards an artifact. The way the force shifted around it told Luke everything he needed to know. He felt the same thing with every lightsaber he hold.

"Can I get a million?"

Ahsoka didn't raise her hand immidietly. Phew people proved to be a bit less patient, as the price went up to three million credits, before Ahsoka joined.

"We have three million, who will give three, point two million for this absorbing item?"

Some old lady raised her hand. Ahsoka outbidded her with three and a half. For a moment old lady with a little lizard in her purse was on biding war with Ahsoka, but she stopped at five.

"We have five. Anyone? Going once. Going twi..."

The man with black hair raised his hand. "We have five and a half."

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