A trace

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"Sabine claimed you are strong enough to start practicing with me." Ahsoka started when Luke came for the next training session. He looked at girl with a shamefull look, but she raised her hand in reassuring gesture.

"I really mean that." She said. "I barely keep up with you anyway."

"Thanks." Luke said and looked back at Ahsoka. He still felt guilty about his outburst, but the notion that he is ready for Ahsoka was promising to him.

"I told her that I understand..." Ahsoka started, "But she still needs to duel you. As for you, Luke, I feel really proud of the way you improved, young one." She said with a smile on her face. It warmed his heart a bit. "But you still rely on your saber in a limiting way. That's why I will ask you to use more force abilities from now on."

Luke looked at Sabine. She nodded her head to the side once.

"What do you mean by force abilities? I use the force in a fight, like Ben taught me at the begining."

"Not to the fullest potential. Not intentionally." Ahsoka stared at him for a moment. "Try pushing her between the  swings, add some power to your shots, try intentionally jumping as high as you can with it. Experiment a bit. Don't worry about her." Ahsoka added after a moment, when Luke was still hesitant about the idea. "I'm here, I will insure her safety. And yours." She said.

Luke was not sure, what Ahsoka might have mean by last part. But he accepted the reality and went to the ground, Sabine as well. Ahsoka threw one of her sabers to the boy. He lighted it up and was ready to fight. Sabine was too. "Your highness goes first." She said with a mocking grin.

Luke was ready to rush, when he spotted something on his partner's arm. It looked like thick comunicator. He didn't think of it much however. He concluded, that he will ask about it after a fight. He rushed forward.

Sabine used her new communicator-thing to shot blasts at him, forcing him to parry on the run. He had no problem with that, even if he was suprised, but it put his saber in worse position than he intented and Sabine paired easly. He reciprocated, giving her few more shots, going his usuall back and forth with her. And he classicly managed to dissarm her. He was already putting his sword down, when Sabine shot a shining cable with her communicator, grabed the saber with it and aimed her shot right into Luke's chest. He paired in the last possible moment. Then he felt a great force wave knocking into his chest. It sended Luke phew steps backwards, which Sabine made in no time for Luke to get up. But he instinctively brought his saber back with a force.

"I understand the training." He commented, when Sabine locked her sabers with lying Luke. She pushed back and clearly took a break from dueling for Luke to get up.

"It's still almost not enough." Sabine commented and got ready to fight again.

Luke was aware of tricks Jedi should have at his disposal. Pulling sword saved him already phew times, but he could lift not to big objects, throw them even. And he was capable of jumping really high. So he practiced those tricks while fighting Sabine, which proved that her new hand toy was capable of either mimicing or achieving similar goals with different means as the tricks Luke could use.

"Designed specifically to fight a Jedi." Sabine said, when Luke asked her about it after a fight. "Mandalorians fought Jedi for some time, they designed ways to get back at you."

"I see."

"Luke, come here." Ahsoka called. Luke noticed she ended a call with someone. "We have a trace, kid." She said, when he came close to her. Sabine was phew steps behind. "Someone spotted a kyber crystal on black market bidding war, suppose to go off in phew hours. Get ready."

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