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"The amount of time you spended knocked off worries me, Luke" Leia said. They were talking on comms. It's been forth day of Luke's staying on Lothal. Leia and Luke talked before already, but last time they both were busy so it lasted for just a minute or so. This time however Luke talked a bit about the crew and things he's been doing.

"I feel fine. And got back on a lot of sleep. But true, my muscles are not happy about it. Ahsoka trains me in dueling. Me and Sabine actually, she uses us as partners for eachother. Neither Yoda or Ben ever bothered to actually show me proper lightsaber techniques."

"So you have a new lightsaber?"

"Not yet. Ahsoka sais she already put a note for rebels and not rebels contacts. If there is any lightsaber or crystal around, we will go and check it."

"Lando traced down Boba up on Tatooine. They didn't hear about Han since then." Leia said. "We will find him." She added after Luke didn't respond.

"If he is out there, we will." Luke triend to reasure her.

"It's not an if. Don't let them waste your time. I know they might be super excited to meet their long gone friends kid, but we have things to do."

"Yeah, I know. Keep me informed." Luke said and ended a call. He was still energized after hole day. At the same time he was stiff after getting stunned again. It felt like rocket fuel flowing thru wooden veins. Training with Sabine was made out of a lot of variants and different lessons. Ahsoka didn't just told them to fight, Sabine was showing him techniques she was taught, which Luke got to know the reason for was something related to tradicions of Mandalore about darksaber (when Luke learned lightsaber can be black, he truly believed Ahsoka when she said every color can be found). Ahsoka was correcting both of them. She also made them regularly switch sabers they were fighting with between the three available.

Apart from that, Ahsoka also was pushing Luke to do some phisical activities, like running and standing on his hands. And of course the circle of stun, as he started calling it. Today was the first day he managed to sustain himself insade for longer than half a minute.

"Ow good, you're fininshed." Ahsoka caught him, when he left the house to breath a bit of evening air. "We will go somewhere tomorrow."

"You know where to find a crystal?" Luke asked.

"Not yet. But there is something I want to get for you."

Next day they took a ship, him and Ahsoka only. They boarded a transport to the system Luke never heard about called Nysteria. Ahsoka only mentioned that she was there once, on one of diplomatic missions and it was one of the neutral systems during clone wars.

"How was my father as a teacher?" Luke asked when they were sitted by the hostesses. "I know about making clones to form a c..."

"Shush." Ahsoka cut him off, looking around. "Be very carefull about mentioning Jedi and war related stuff." She whispered. "You really never know when someone might recognize you and bring unwanted attention." Luke fall into his seat. Despite promises, he learned a lot less than he wished about the past from a person that was supposedly there.

"Your father was very practical in his teachings." She said after a moment. "Less talking was always better with him, more practice. But it came for the cost. Most things I learned in the middle of work. And from mistakes I made, when not listening to him." She said. "I still remember how my mistake costed us dozen of ships." Sadness in her mind provided Luke with the unspoken words 'and people'. "Either way, he was mostly guiding my first steps, then telling me to figure it out as he was busy, then if I did good job, he congratulated. If not, he let me know what exacly went wrong and what to do next time, or rather what he would do in this situation."

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