Between the crews

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Luke and Rex met again next day.

Luke didn't sleep well, all night reviewing Yoda's and Obi-Wan words, lost duel to Vader and found identity of him and himself. He wanted to be angry at his masters for ordering him to let go of his friends, but he found out he could not deny that he was led to a trap and that his friends rescued him at the end, not the other way around. Yet, it still felt deply wrong. So he was holding to anger for keeping the truth from him. Obi-Wan straitghtly lied to him. At that kept him awake hole time Luke lied on the bed.

As for Rex, he could sleep in any circumstances and wake up at the time he was needed, so even his excintment didn't make him sleepless. After breakfast he checked where Ghost ship docked at the time and contacted them. Agent Callus aswered and informed Rex that they can come to pick Luke, as they were ment to visit Lothal anyway, take some food from there for Rebelion and meet friends. Knowing that, Captain went to someone high ranking to ask for Luke Skywalker. After some searching he was told to look for Princess Leia Organa and ship called Millenium Falcon. At the end, it wasn't hard to find young Skywalker, wich made Rex question the fact, why he did not heard of him before.

"Hey, Luke. Nice to see you again."

"Oh, hello." Luke seemed to not recognize Rex at first. "You came fast."

"Good news for you. If you want to come, we can departure today, in half an hour."

"Where are you going?" Fairly small woman with temper, probably the said princess.

"I am captain Rex. I met Luke yesterday."

"According to captain there is someone who can help me build new lightsaber."

"We don't have a time, Luke. Han needs us."

"Han is in the hands of Jabba. And going against Jabba is foolish without a plan, recognition and insight. Tell Lando to infiltrate. Then we can start thinking about assault. In the meantime, I will get a new weapon for myself."

"R2-D2, is that you?" Rex bursted out towards well known droid, who beeped happily. "So you even kept your's father droid."

"I didn't knew he was his droid."

"So you are going? You haven't told us."

"As he said, I met him yesterday. I am not going for long. Come to Lothal, grab a saber and coming back to our business."

The similarity of The Ghost to Millenium Falcon strucked Luke with weird feeling of missed irony. He arrived just in time to see a tall man with light blonde hair and facial hair bicker around with a member of specie that Luke never seen before, which however made him think of shaved Chewbacka.

"You are slow." He heard the said unknown species member say.

"I am not as big as you." Man responded, yet he clearly took a comment as a challenge, getting himself into a jog with a big case.

"Hi Zeb!" Rex shouted towards laughing hairless wookie. He turned around and just raised his arm, clearly in process of responding, but he turned towards the ship again. Luke and Rex moved closer and saw the man backing away with embarrassed face from a clearly displeased, Twi'Lek woman, dressed in informal mechanic uniform.

"Really, Callus? Zeb and Chopper don't cause enough trouble?" She said towards a man. Luke noted both names of the crew.

"Sorry ma'am" Callus said. Woman took a deep breath and torned towards Zeb.

"You have bad influence on him. He was so hard working when he joined, now look at him."

"Yeah, he is now tolerable to be around." Zed responded with laugh. She didn't laugh. "Ow look, Rex is here, with a said quest." He said after a moment.

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