A Student

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Ghost's travel was peacefull, just as Hera wanted it to be. After Hera left Luke to control the flight, he returned to studying the pieces of art all around the ship. He actually found the empty room, which walls and hole ceiling were covered in paint, also the cabinet next to a bed had a number of colorfull stains  on it. It was clear as day that this room belonged to the artist. Luke already suspected that it was the girl with colorfull hair seen on one or two pictures.

He also asked Rex about his mother (the moronic thought that maybe Ahsoka is her couldn't leave his mind), but Rex just briefly spoke about some woman Anakin was always fond off. He actually mentioned that a lot of women were fond of Anakin.

"But don't worry. Although I don't want to promise anything, I think if anyone knew who your mother is and how was she, then Ahsoka should be the right person to ask," was his final response.

The last thing Luke asked about was the planet they were going to. He learned from Zeb and Callus, catching them with the dinner, that planet has a soft climate, supports a lot of flora, has very annoying cats as they main pets and scary wolfs that loved Ezra. He did pull their tongs a bit about that and learned that Ezra was in fact extremely connected thru the force with all kinds of animal life, on many planets and even space as well.

Luke get so see said planet on his own, as Hera called everyone thru intercom that they left hiperspace. Blue and light green dominated as the view from space. Another planet that has no problem with water. But for a long time it had with empire, where's on Tatooine the biggest bad guy was a hut. But before his thoughts could spring towards his possibly dead friend in need, Luke cut it off with another quessess about what will await him here, on this planet. Future problems can wait. At least to when he has lightsaber in his hands to cut thru them.

To boy's suprise, they didn't land on any platform but on an open field. They got out, yet noone seemed to think about unloading the cargo they brought.

"It's not for this planet," Zeb said when asked about it.

Mentioned cats were present on the open field. City could be seen on the horizon. Luke also noticed a lonely tower near the landing zone. He called that a landing zone in his head, because, despite there being no platform, it was sandy around the ship in contrast to the grass outside the circle, meaning ship lands here often. 

"So," Luke talked down to Rex. "where is she?" 

"Patience!" Hera chimed in, with a bag on her shoulder.  "We are close." Rex just shruged his arms and nodded in agreement.

Hole group moved towards the tower, Luke following a bit behind. Right up to this moment, he felt preety confident, but for some reason, his head was empty. It was like a hall, full of echoes of his ideas and motivations bouncing off the walls, but none of it was really present at the moment. Only his legs were moving him, instinctively following a group of his guides on an unknown planet.

He shouldn't be here. He was angry at his masters at hiding the truth about his heritage, about who he was. He didn't want to think about it. Not when there are more important things. Han is in trouble. But here he was, following some vague promise to meet someone, who can help and who, again, knew his father.

"Coming?" Rex asked him. Luke didn't answer, but his legs picked up a pace a bit. He now clearly saw two figures next to a tower.

Two became three when they moved closer. Third one was a child with green hair, that started running towards them. "MOM!" The child yelled. Hera run towards it as well. Luke felt something about a child, but it was not in his focus right now. His focus was on two women making their way following child steps. Boy stopped phew steps away. He immidietly recognized colorfull-hair girl from images around the ship. And he also immidietly recognized a Jedi.

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