Royal blood

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"Can we skip 'I told you so'? Okey, I shouldn't force push this dude out. I admit. "

"You shouldn't get into a fight in the first place."

Luke decided that not telling Ahsoka all about will be a waste of time, as she will probably know if he lies and will push as long as she gets an answer. "Maybe not. But they were unpleasant. They will think twice before acting like that towards any waitress again."

"Rather before acting like that in front of an unknown guy that makes them scared despite innocent first appearance. Your acions didn't change the world for any better." Ahsoka said.

"They deserved it."

"Just as you deserve the pain in your leg now." They were already back on Lothal. The best Luke could hope for in the carrier was a bit of painkillers and spray for a wound. The second one seemed to nullify the effect of first one and Ahsoka didn't allow him to take more than one doze.

He told her most in the cruise. Ahsoka claimed she felt he had something to be blamed for, both in his feelings and his behaviour.

"You really think this Inquisitor knows about me because of this stupid fight in he back alley?"

"That or he recognized you from before. But Inqusitors were gone before you even joined rebelion."

"Why were they gone?" Luke asked "You dealt with them?"

"Me, Kanan, but mostly their own boss killed them."


"Yeah. You were irresponsible and childish. Getting into a figh with those guys would be a grey area even in defence of those bartenders."

"Aren't Jedi suppose to protect weaker?"

"Yeah, how do you know neither of those girls called for inquisitor?"

"Why are we still talking?" Luke already got to the doors of the house. Ahsoka was a step behind him. "Just ground me or something."

"I want you to understand."

"Understand what?"

"The feeling of cold you felt." Ahsoka answered. Luke stopped mid gesture to open the door. He didn't even know why he talked about this. And the tree. Both seemed unrelated to why this Inquisitor was chasing after him. Yet in the process of telling the story, it felt important.

"Well, temperature switch." Luke said nonchalantly and opened the door.

"No and you know it. Your father did that often too." Ahsoka added after a moment. Luke only stared at her. His anger got a bit tempered by the looks of regret on Ahsoka face. She raised her hands in surrender gesture. "No, not today. Watch holodisc I gave you."

Luke rolled his eyes and went upstairs to his room. He wanted to go to sleep without anything else, but his curiosity defeated his ego and he looked at holodisc. It contained the series of videorecordings. He opened one randomly.

Unknown person was visible.

"Unfortunateli, senator Organa is nowhere to be found."

"I will speak on his behav." A woman's voice chimed in, clearly unexpected by others. The recording switched to senate platform with a human woman, quite young, really well dressed and beautifull. Also she brought Leia into Luke's mind.

"Senator Amidala will be permited to speak." Another voice said. And she spoke. Started about her maid. Went thru necessities of Republic citizens and how the new bill about transferring founds to war will make the lifes unberable for people from lower classess.

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