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Hello everyone. If you are reading this I appreciate it. I'm not the best writer but I'm trying my best and I'm gonna try and make this part longer then the first.

Thank you again and enjoy!

Just so you know. Tony Stark Is exiting shield at some point but not because of what happens in Ironman2 but because of some things he had to do. Just go with it please.

Warning: sensitive content

December 2010
Somewhere in Canada

It's a beautiful night. The moon shining up in the sky was helping out a figure in the dark. It was running toward a house. An animal perhaps... It's running like it's chasing a prey but no. This wasn't a normal prey, this was a mission given to the animal or, better to say, shifter.

Its black fur was shining under the moonlight. It's paws hitting the ground with so much force that the ground couldn't resist the impact.

It's been seven years since the first experiment and as the time went on the progress were there. Now they are capable of controlling themselves when in this state but that was the problem. As long as they can control it other people could use it for their benefits... Like now.

Y/n pov:

I was running. I don't know where but I was told to follow a scent and that's what I'm doing.
Well more then doing it it's not like I can control my body. I can see tho, I can remember after what they do goes away.
I love when they let me go alone on missions like this. I just hope this feeling will go away so I can finally run from that place.

I stop Infront of a house. More like a mansion. I scan the territory and enter from the back door. It was open. Why? We've been waiting for them to make a mistake. A few cameras are around the place and we waited for months. I can't go wrong now. My body is in autopilot as I walk up the stairs to the bedroom. I enter and see two people sleeping.

Who are they? What have they done?
It's not something I have to know. If I learned one thing is to not ask questions and just go with it or there will be consequences...

I stalk closer to the bed, careful not make a sound.
That's the part I hate the most. I jump on the man's throat and snap it with my teeth.
The woman on my right yells and goes for a run. Too slow, sorry.

I jump off the bed and tackle her to the ground with my body. Being 80kg surely helps (176pounds).

Ok, not the time to be sarcastic. It's not like I can control anything! Shut up and concentrate!

I hate all of this. As the job is done and my fur is covered in blood I walk out of the house.
I feel a bit weird...
Wait! Feel?
Why am I not running? What's going on? I should be running back to Hydra!
Wait I'm walking on my own?! The brainwashing is going away.
Let's start running in the direction of the base. They can still see me. I'm gonna change direction once out of sight.

No ones pov:

The black wolf is running. Running for it's life. The Shadow Hunter might become only a shadow in Hydra files if everything goes right.

They change direction. Not knowing where to go the best thing is to run as fast and as far as they can.

A few days later
Border of USA

Y/n pov:
It's been days running. I have eaten a few animals on the way. Drank dirty water but still better than nothing, no?
In my case yes.

Hydra doesn't care about following me. Why? They only wanted somebody to do their job and now they know how to make another like me so there is no problem for them.

I crossed the border with the USA.
Better to change state in case they suddenly want to find me.

A few months later
Shield facility

Y/n pov:

I see a building. It's big and there are a few guards around. It's not hydra, they would be more hidden but I've seen it in some files so I know Hydra won't come near here.

It's been a few days that I've been hiding around here. For what I know it's 2011 now. People celebrated. They seem happy.

Thanks to my wrong humor I know how to find the bright side in all this situation but I'm not going to lie. I miss having what they have. I remember the life I had before Hydra. It wasn't the best but it was something at least.

I see a men walking out of the back entrance. He's wearing something that seems really uncomfortable. I think it's called a suit? Or something like that.

My curiosity takes over and I get out of my hiding spot and stalk closer to him. I'm hidden by the grass. My shadow behind me.
The sunlight had become one of my favorite things since I escaped.

I walk closer but stop as he looks towards me. He is not afraid but starts walking my way. What? Why is he walking towards a wolf? Is he crazy? Probably.

As he gets closer I growl at him. He takes off his glasses and smile's at me.
Untill he speaks...
"And who might you be? Shouldn't you have a pack or something?"

I don't take my eyes off of him. He turns around and calls for someone

"Happy! Come see what I found"

Found me? I walked toward you dumbass...
I lower my ears and put my tail between my legs as I see a big man come toward us.

"Mr. Stark, we should get going now-
What the hell is that!?"

That? Well thank you. I could respond but I'm gonna enjoy them not knowing, the big guy would probably fall to the ground if he heard a wolf talk.

I stand tall on my feet looking at them, showing my teeth.

"come on Happy, be nice to the wolf! It's cute"

I tilt my head in confusion. Cute? What? This might be a chance to find a home. Ok let's start to act nicer.

I sit down carefully and look at them with a confused expression.

"Tony I know what you are thinking but we're not taking home a wolf!"

"I think I need a guard dog! Don't you think? Yes I think so"

"Tony come on! You can't take him. Pepper won't be happy."

"come on, let's get you in the car."

As he says this i get up and carfully walk toward him with my head lowered. Their interaction is funny. He's not listening to the big guy who I guess is a bodyguard? I smell gunpowder on him but oh well.

Happy just shakes his head and walks to the car. That I have to say it's so cool, I love it.
I wag my tail and walk beside the man, Tony? I think so.

I get in the car as Tony opens the door.

"you certainly are big for a normal wolf. And actually really smart. We can work with that."

That's great, people took me in and I should have unlimited food. The only problem is that I have to tell them who I really am. That's gonna be fun...

~THE STORY OF THE SHADOW~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant