Chapter 25 - Freddy's Secret

Start from the beginning

Mike then pulled him to the side, handed him a small, dark blue box. "Got this, and it was really expensive..." He whispered. Freddy smiled, holding it. "Thanks, to both of you." Freddy said, hushed. The two smiled. "Well, we better get to the office, still gotta earn money you know." Violet said with a smile, as she grasped Mike's hand.

He blushed right away, as Freddy smirked. "You two together?" Freddy said, smirking, and crossing his arms. "Y-Yeah..." Mike said. "I knew already, heard Chica yelling the other night about 'you guys making children' and stuff." Violet began to blush quickly, and spoke quickly. "We should really get to the office..." She then scurried to the office with Mike.

Freddy shook his head, smiling. He turned back to the table, and began setting up.

"Am I the only one cleaning?" Bonnie said with a frown. Thunder walked in, a huge smile glued to her face. "No, I am cleaning to!" Nyx playfully said, as she picked up bits and pieces of trash laying around. Bonnie sighed depressingly, making the others take notice. "Bonnie...?" Chica said, taking a break from making her pizza.

The bunny's ears flicker, and she looked over at them. "What's up...?" She said, still seeming upset about something. "Is something wrong?" Chica asked, walking over and putting her hand on her friend's shoulder. Bonnie gave her a weak smile, and sighed again. "Does Freddy seem a bit...I don't know...does it seem like he is...well...avoiding me?"

Chica and Thunder made eye contact, both looked at Bonnie worriedly. "Of course he is not ignoring you! He loves you so much Bonnie, why even say that!?" Chica said, gripping onto her friend's shoulders tightly. "First, OW GET THE FUCK OFF!" Bonnie shrieked. The chicken smiled innocently as she removed her hands. "Second off, I don't know, he seems to be hiding something from me...." She said with a depressed look.

Diana sighed at Bonnie as she put the pizza in the oven. "Well, who cares what it is? You shouldn't be so worried..." Thunder said, trying to hide the fact Freddy was planning a special date. Bonnie shrugged, when suddenly, Chica began to clean her up.

"Ch-Chica, what the hell are you doing?" Bonnie asked as Chica started to wipe down her face. "Look at yourself, you look extremely uh...dirty!" She said, covering up. Her friend was getting a special date and the least she could do was make her look nice. "Uh...okay?" Bonnie said, utterly confused.

After a few minutes of getting cleaned up, Chica smiled, giving Thunder a high five. "Perfect!" The two squealed. Bonnie, still confused, got up, and crossed her arms. "Okay, what the hell is going on?" She asked. All of the girls smiled at her, leaving the bunny to be a little creeped out. "Uh...I guess uh...I am just going to go..." She said.

Bonnie walked towards the door when Chica suddenly whipped in front of her. "Uh, you can't go just yet!" She said. "Why not?" Bonnie asked, putting her paw to her hip. "L-Listen, you need to h-help with the pizza!" Chica said with a gasp, dragging her friend over to the oven. "I am going to go uh, help the others..." Diana said with a grin, and dashed out the door.

Five to seven minutes passed and Chica pulled out the cheesy, hot, greasy pizza. "Wow...that looks delicious..." Bonnie said, smiling. Chica giggled, as she carried it out. "Stay here with Thunder, got it?" The bunny rolled her eyes, standing next to the cat. "Fine..." Nyx walked out with Chica, as the two giggled. Nyx was carrying a large rootbeer, and two glasses. " going on...?" Bonnie said, glancing at Thunder.

Thunder smirked as Bonnie looked at her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Nyx peaking in the room, giving her a thumbs up. "We should go with the others." Thunder suggested. "Sure." Bonnie said, agreeing. The two got up, but Thunder raced out the door. "Hey!" Bonnie called out, running for the doo. Once she got out, she saw the lights were a bit dim.

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