Doctors appointment

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"Okay come on Allie girl we are going home and we can drop your friend off as well if her parents are home" Logan says as he was loading the babies up so they could go home

Allie stayed with papa as they left the school and her friend was glad that someone was taking her home and the school was seeing if someone was home to meet her and there wasn't going to be someone home till way later in the evening so her friend was going to spend the day with her which she was excited about right now


"Sorry Allie your sissy's have to have their check-ups that was rescheduled for later" Logan says cause the doctor was able to see the babies that fast so Logan was going to take that appointment and Kendall was going to meet him there with lunch for Allie and her friend of course which Allie liked cause she got the special VIP treatment

The babies were in good health and Allie's friend mom worked there so her friend went with her mom cause her mom worked at the pediatrician office and she was angry that her daughter was getting picked on especially on the first day of school of all days as well which was not good but the mom was glad that her daughter had a friend watching out for her right now

"We are going to do the shots this afternoon cause we were able to do a quick exam right now then since the boys got their shots with their exams that morning so the girls needed to have their shots as well" the doctor tells Logan after she had examined the girls cause she wanted to see how they were doing after they were out of the hospital

"That's good I'm going to take Allie to lunch then we can come right back" Logan says as he was loading the girls up in the stroller to head back out to take Allie to lunch on the first day of school of course which was a special occasion as well in his eyes Peter was going to be in a lot of trouble by both sets of parents when Logan does come home with the girls that afternoon so he was going to be punished

"Sounds good to me" the doctor says as Logan was leaving the appointment to go to lunch then he was going to be coming right back to the pediatrician for the shots for the girls as well

Logan got the girls loaded up in the van and they were going to go and get lunch of course some place close then they were going to come right back to the pediatrician for the shots for the girls and Allie was loving spending time with papa right now cause she wanted to do a thing of when your sisters got shots they get a build a bear stuffed animal from her every visit

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now