Logan and Allie get admitted

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"Still at two so your labor might have stalled for now, so once the doctor comes we will see what he wants to do" the nurse says as she leaves the room after she had checked Logan to see if he had progressed at all

Logan nods as he holds Allie close to him as she slept peacefully next to mommy

"Peter was happy to see brothers weren't you Peter?" Kendall asks him

Peter nods at daddy

"That's good" Logan says as he feels Allie's forehead to see if she was getting sick or not cause she was still sound asleep next to Logan

"Is Allie okay?" Kendall asks Logan a little concern as he came closer to the bed

"I think she might be getting sick she feels a little warm" Logan says as he try to feel how warm Allie was

"Oh no" Kendall says to Logan

"I'll see if they have a thermometer while we wait on the doctor to come to see what he wants to do" Logan says as he hits the call button for a nurse to see if they could give him a thermometer while they waited

A nurse brings it not for Allie but for Logan

"Mr. Schmidt you are normal" the nurse says as she sees what Logan temp was

"Can you see about little Allie here she feels a little warm?" Logan asks the nurse

"Sure I can I don't mind cause I have my own kids, and it couldn't hurt to see" the nurse says to him as she checks Allie temperature

Allie slept as she got her temperature taken

"She does have a temp and it is high so I am going to page the pediatrician to see her" the nurse tells Kendall and Logan as Logan's Doctor came into the room to see what he wanted to do since Logan was still at two centimeters

Logan nods as the nurse leaves the room and the doctor comes over to Logan

"Hey Logan" the doctor says to him as he comes into the room

"Hey" Logan says to his doctor

"I hear you might be in labor" the doctor says as he comes over to check the triplets

"Yeah and I have been at two centimeters for a while now, but I have been getting contractions here and there not as bad as they were before" Logan says as the doctor checks him to see what he wanted to do since Logan wasn't progressing much with his labor

"Let's take a look here to see when you have been having those contractions and when they were the strongest" the doctor says to him as he goes over to the monitors to check the contractions

Logan nods as the pediatrician comes in as Allie wakes up from her slumber to see about her

"Hey princess did you have a good nap?" Logan asks her

She nods as she looks at him as well

"Sweetie papa is worried cause you have a temp that is a little high, so you are going to get checked out to see what is going on with you okay sweetie" he says as the pediatrician comes over to see Allie and see what is going on with her


"It's okay Allie" Kendall cause cause Allie got sick a little bit ago, and she was wearing a hospital gown

"Well I am going to admit Allie cause her temperature is so high and I am worried that there is an infection in there some place" the pediatrician says as he came into the room cause Allie had to have some blood taken to see what was causing her high temp

"Okay that sounds okay with me" Logan says as he looks at Allie who was snuggled on papa

"Logan your going to be admitted too to see if you have any more contractions, and i want to monitor the babies as well cause you are close to your due date, and you might dilate more during the night, so I want you to stay right here in the hospital, so I can monitor all of those babies and see when they are going to be coming" Logan doctor says as he came back into the room cause he had to do a delivery

"Don't worry Logan I am going to stay here with you cause since you and Allie are in the hospital I am not going home at all, and I can stay close to the hospital with Peter, and do fun things with him while you and Allie are here" Kendall says as he comes over to Logan

"Thanks Kenny" Logan says as he got comfortable in the bed as he felt the contractions kick back up again

"Welcome Logan and Peter can bond with his brothers some more i think he will like that a lot especially now" Kendall says to Logan

"That's for sure and he can help you feed them and keep them busy while you are with me or with Allie" Logan says as the nurse comes in with an I.V cause Allie was going to be staying close to Logan as she was getting better cause she did not want to leave mommy since she was a sick little girl

"Allie isn't going to a room she is parking it I told the pediatrician who is going to take the twins and all of the triplets on as his patients which is a blessing that she loves you and wants to be close to you since she isn't feeling the best right now anyways" Kendall says to Logan

"That's good I will be able to have all four of the girls with me especially when they are sick" Logan says to Kendall as he looks at all four of the girls next to him and on the screen

"Yes Allie will be besides you and the triplets will be in your tummy" Kendall says to Logan as they heard all three of the girls heart beats beating away on the monitor

"Yeah just the way I like it until the girls are born then it changes" Logan says as he relaxed after the contraction that he had cause talking to Kendall make it feel like they weren't even there at all

"Then the real fun will start" Kendall says to Logan

"Yeah fighting over toys, crying, and everything else in between" Logan chuckles as Allie got comfy as the I.V was going in her hand, so she could have the medicine and get better

"Don't remind me" Kendall says to Logan cause the boys might be the same way when they are older

"You were a brave girl" the nurse tells Allie after the I.V was in her hand and the medicine started working its magic

"Sounds like you might be getting a stuffed animal" Logan says to her as he looks down as he feels the contractions getting stronger

Allie got a cute stuffed animal that she hugged close to her as the medicine was working and doing it's job

"Comfy baby?" He asks as he looks down at her

She nods as she looks at papa as she snuggled in

"Daddy and papa is right here with you baby girl" Kendall says as he strokes her pretty hair since Logan was hugging her

"That tiger looks bigger the you" Logan jokes with her cause the tiger was bigger then her 

She let out a smile as she started to go to sleep a little bit on papa 

"Night baby" Kendall and Logan tell her as she was out like a light 

Logan decided to get some sleep as well since it was going to be a long night for the both of them with the kids being close to both parents and the boys being close by mommy too

"Night Kenny" Logan says to Kendall

"Night Logie" Kendall says as he goes to sleep that night after the kids were bedded down and were sleeping with wither mommy or daddy that night 

Peter snuggled close to daddy as he was sleeping with him which was okay by Kendall cause he loved Peter a lot and loved his snuggles when they would sleep close to each other Kendall didn't mind cause Peter was little yet and needed daddy when mommy wasn't available for snuggles or busy  

V & C

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