Severe weather

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"I think so too, and Allie knows you guys, so she feels safe putting the baby with you guys" Logan says as he was looking at Allie cause she was looking at the baby a little bit

"We can tell her later" Carlos says cause he had to get the old house ready for the family

Logan was okay with that

"Allie, we need to go home cause you had a busy day" Logan says to her as he picks her up and they leave together

Allie fell asleep on Logan as they left the hospital

"Here we go sweet girl" Logan says as he loads her up in his mini-van cause Logan was going to have the girls and Kendall had the boys in his mini-van

Logan covered her up and got in to go home


"Allie I am going to get you ready for bed and tuck you in" Logan says as he brings her into the house for the time being

Allie didn't wake as she was moved from her car seat and into the house

"Logie she will be okay the baby will be going to a loving home" Kendall says cause a part of Allie wanted to keep the baby, but money was tight already with the triplets and now the twins

"I hope" Logan says as he was going to Allie's room

Logan changed Allie into her jammies and tucked her in for the night

"Here is your dolly Allie" Logan says as he gives her doll

Logan turns on her night light and leaves her be for the time being, and was going to check on the girls cause they needed attention as well cause they were still little  

"Did Carlos and Alexa come up with a name for her?" Kendall asks Logan

"Not yet we will see the name in time" Logan says as he was looking at him

(Months later)

Logan took Allie and the girls to the hospital for an appointment

"Hey Loges" Carlos says when him and Alexa came to the hospital cause the baby girl was going to be released

"Hey, Los, is the baby getting released?" Logan asks him

"Yes, little Lilo Penavega is getting released to come home her brothers are excited to see her" Carlos says to Logan

Logan was glad the baby was released, and Allie didn't have to see the baby anymore, and Logan watch as Carlos and Lilo left to go to Lilo's new home where she was going to grow up at with her brothers that were going to spoil her rotten to the core

(Weeks later)

The babies and the twins were all settled in, and Peter and Allie were loving their baby brothers and their baby sisters a lot and Kendall and Logan were grateful for the extra set of hands that they had with the twins cause Allie and Peter were a major help fetching whatever the babies needed

"Kenny, I say we move everyone down to the basement cause apparently there is severe weather coming towards us and I don't want the little ones to be scared at all" Logan says when he saw a line of bad storms coming towards them and Allie and Peter might get really scared

"That's not a bad idea Logie I'll help you get the babies down to the basement cause it looks like this storm is coming quickly" Kendall says as he saw what was coming towards them

Kendall and Logan worked to get all eight little ones to the basement and Peter and Allie headed for their playrooms while Kendall and Logan put the babies in a separate room away from their siblings cause Peter and Allie had separate playrooms cause Peter hated when Allie played with his toys, so both kids had their own separate playrooms and Allie cleaned up her toys

"You going to paint some more pictures?" Logan asked Allie

Allie nods cause the house was covered in her paintings and Kendall and Logan did art shows with her art and some family members buy her art and she loved it and she was going to do something else in time when they did not know right now

"Okay if you need anything just holler for me okay sweetheart" Logan says as he was going to check on Peter and see what he was up too as well

Peter was playing and his playroom was a mess already

"Peter, I want you to clean up your toys after you get done playing okay cause your sisters playroom is neat and tidy and barely looks like this" Logan says when he saw how bad his playroom was and how neat and tidy Allie's was

Soon Allie came out and she was not happy at all

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" Logan asks her

"Crayon broke" she says between sniffles

"Allie come here daddy and me have your art supply closet filled with anything you need, and I'll help you with a new box and you might love this box" he says as he went with her to get her a new box of crayons since her other ones broke and she was not happy at all

Allie was happy she has an art closet all her own

"Here we go princess go color" he says as he gave her more crayons

more next week like part 2 hopefully 

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now