Part 2

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"Allie it's bedtime tomorrow is the first day of preschool for you and your brother" Logan says as he was tucking her in for the night as well cause Kendall was tucking Peter in for the night as well since the babies were in the family room playing with their toys right now and just chilling before bedtime cause they have been bathe and fed and they were waiting to be tucked in as well by their parents

"Will you be there too cause I am afraid" she tells him

"Of course I'll be there cause it's your first day of preschool and daddy is taking Peter to a different class cause we decided to separate you and your brother to see what the two of you can do when you aren't together" Logan tells her as he was tucking her in for the night as well cause he had to tell Peter good night as well cause once the babies were in bed Kendall and Logan had to get the backpacks ready for the first day of school in the morning as well as a snack for mid morning cause they are only going three days a week right now

Logan kissed her on the top of the head, and he was going to see about the babies and get them ready for bed and he was going to help Kendall tuck them in as well cause it was going to be an early morning the next day

(Next morning)

Kendall and Logan were up early to make sure everything was ready for the twins to go to school and Peter woke up and he was ready for school, and he was ready to make friends and have a good time as well

"Morning Peter go make your bed and get dressed and when you come back down breakfast will be ready," Kendall tells him

Logan was going to get the triplet girls up and get them ready as well, and he was going to see about Allie and see if she was up as well and get her ready for preschool as well cause it was going to be a big day and him and Kendall were going to take the separate vans to school cause they had to drop the kids off and then they had to take the babies to the doctors as well for their appointment and see how they were doing as well cause they needed their shots and see if they were healthy as well cause they had to have a whole hour just for the babies to come for their check-up and when they take the twins they need two hours cause Kendall and Logan would be with each of the twins as they were getting their check-up and seeing if they were healthy as well

"Allie wake up honey it's preschool day" Logan says as he tries to wake her up for school cause Kendall was going to take the boys once he got them ready and Peter was dressed

Allie tossed and went back to sleep

"I think you are a sleepy head this morning" he says as he was going to try to wake her up a little bit better

Logan tickled her and that got her up in no time

"Morning princess daddy made breakfast" Logan tells her

Allie heads down for breakfast that morning and she saw that Peter ate it all for her so she didn't have a crumb, but Kendall made her a plate anyway so she could have a good breakfast before going to school

"Here Allie" Kendall says as he gave her plate that morning

Peter took her plate and ate it anyway and Kendall made her another breakfast and Peter ate that one as well

"Peter go play while Allie eats" Kendall tells him cause Peter was going to pick on his sister as she was having her breakfast as well and that was not going to do cause Allie needed to eat as well and if Peter was picking on her she was not going to be able to have her breakfast

Peter was going to pick on her as she was having her breakfast as well so Kendall had to put him in time out cause he was not listening to him at all and Kendall and Logan had to do that a lot with him cause he has not been listening to them at all, and he has been picking on his sister and his baby sisters as well and that has not been okay with Kendall and Logan either cause Allie loved her siblings a lot and she was the most helpful when it comes to taking care of them cause she would help Kendall and Logan out with what needed done like taking the bottles to the kitchen to be washed or taking care of the diaper pale for her parents cause she was the spoiled one of the two kids and it showed and Peter was the rebel one of the two kids

"Allie, I think you have earned eating breakfast outside on the patio" Kendall says as Peter was still being a pain right now

Allie was excited to eat outside that morning and Logan was going to join her cause he was going to feed the girls their breakfast and if he ate out there with her there may be a chance, he will leave her alone to eat in peace that morning before they go to school

"It's gorgeous out here" Logan says as he was bringing out two of the girls the one had to be inside yet cause of her heart, so Logan did not want to chance it with her

Allie agreed as Kendall put her breakfast down, so she could eat that morning before she goes to school

"Peter come on let's go I'll tell the teacher Allie will be along once she eats" Kendall tells him cause Peter was going to annoy Allie again as she was having her breakfast

Part 3 will come

Part 3 is up

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat