Part 6

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"Allie, you going to introduce yourself?" Ms. Bailey asks her cause she was going to have Allie go last if she did not introduce herself

Allie introduces herself and tells the class about her brother and her siblings that she has as well as who she lives with as well like her daddy and her papa who was with her brother right now cause he was being bad right now and papa had to go down and see about him and he was going to get a hold of Kendall and have him take Peter home cause he was going to get in so much trouble on the first day of school of all days

"Thank you Allie you may sit down" the teacher tells her

Allie was going to go sit next to the girl who moved her color dot to the corner cause she was feeling uncomfortable with the other kids and Allie saw she was deaf so she was going to learn sign language for her new friend that she just made at school and she learned her friend name and that was Salem which was different for her and Salem learned Allie's full name and they formed a alliance and we're going to be best friends cause Allie saw she needed a friend and she was going to be that friend for her and she was going to be with her the whole time as well cause Allie was not going to let her have a bad first day of preschool

"Salem would you like to go next?" the teacher asks her

Salem hid more towards the wall cause she did not feel like introducing herself and Allie was going to help her a little bit cause she was shy and she needed help coming out of her shell as well and Allie was going to help her as much as she could as well

"We will come back to you later" the teacher tells her as she went to another student that was ready to introduce herself and her name was Muffy and she looked like she was rich


The teacher was going to have Salem do her introduction later on cause she was still shy right now so her introduction was going to be done later on in the school year cause Allie was going to work with her to help her open up to her other classmates

"Boys and girls we have our very first star student and that's Allie" the teacher says cause Allie was being very helpful to another student right now and the teacher was very proud of her for that

Allie was shocked she was the first star student for the year so far and Logan knew Allie was going to be the good one of the twins

"Ms. Bailey do you need help?" Allie asks her after carpet time

"Yes Allie thank you for asking" Ms. Bailey says to her as Allie was going to help her out since no one wants to help the teacher out at all they wanted to do something else

Allie was going to be the teacher's helper for the rest of the year cause whoever helped the teacher out on the first day got that job and that was Allie and Allie was very helpful

"Hey Allie what did I miss?" Logan asks as he came back in the room

"I am star student and the teacher's helper" she says all happily as well cause she was in such a good mood right now and she wanted to keep it going

Logan was shocked with her cause she was the opposite of her brother who was going to be expelled on the very first day of preschool of all things as well cause he was being the bad seed right now anyway, so having a good seed of the family was looking very promising right now anyway as well cause he was going to be very proud of her as well cause she has been the good one from the start as well and she was going to go far in school and she might be a doctor, lawyer or a dentist one day cause she had the best heart for anything she can put her mind to as well, so until then she can be a normal kid and do what normal kids her age do  like play, go to dance or gymnastics cause she was going to be involved in something later on once school was underway and they have a routine added and established as well cause they wanted to see how the twins would do if they were apart of a group and Allie was going to go first since her brother was going to be going to therapy to see what was going on with him and why he was acting like this right now totally out of the blue as well which was not good either cause he was going to be expelled from preschool on his first day cause he was acting out so bad

"Allie I am super proud of you" he says cause he was waiting on Kendall to come and get Peter and take him home and that night they were going to talk it over to see what they were going to do with Peter cause family services could come in and take Peter away from them too

Part 7 is next

Happy holidays and happy new year

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now