The twins get adjusted

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"I am going to take the twins home, and get them settled in for their first night and we will be back tomorrow to see you and the boys" Logan say to Kendall after a while cause it was a big day for Kendall and Logan in general cause they had welcomed the first set of triplets into the family that day, welcomed the twins Peter and Allie and they were waiting on the girl to come

"Go get them some beds and some clothes cause they look like they are going to sleep good tonight and when I get released we can go shopping for their toys, so we can see who like what" Kendall says as he gets up to take the boys down to the nursery for the night for bed cause he wanted to go to bed himself too

"I will take the twins home and get them settled in for the night, so night Edward, night Duncan, night Luke i love you boys, and I will see you guys tomorrow" Logan says as he kisses the boys good night before he leaves with Allie and Peter who were scared out of their minds right now

"I will see you guys tomorrow" Kendall says as he takes Edward and Duncan while Logan had Luke

"Yeah for sure" Logan says as he keeps the twins close while pushing Luke down to the nursery for bed that night cause Kendall was going to go to bed once he got the boys settled in the nursery that night for sure cause he was going to leave the boys in the nursery fro the night just in case Logan needed to come with the twins cause it is their first night in a new place and it will be hard with Logan still pregnant  

Logan was going to get the twins their beds and then he was going to take them home to get them ready for bed and put them to bed cause being pregnant was stressful enough on Logan

(That night)

"Okay kids I am going to wait for your beds to come and get them into your new rooms. Until then why don't you guys go watch Disney junior on T.V for papa" he says to them cause he was having the kids bedrooms delivered that night cause James and Carlos came over really quick to do the rooms for the twins, and the rooms were dry when they came back from the hospital with the twins

Allie and Peter went to go watch T.V while their rooms were put together

"Okay girls take it easy on papa right now cause he has to put your new sister and brother to bed tonight and get to bed himself" Logan tells the girls who were kicking him good at the moment

Logan was able to get the rooms put together in time for the twins, so they could go to bed that night for sure, and he was going to put the kids into new jammies and got new clothes for them to wear the next day as well

"Allie, Peter are you guys ready to see your new rooms?" he asks them after each of the rooms were done

Both kids nod happily cause they were sleepy, and they were ready for bed that night

"Come on I am going to clean you guys up a little bit and then tuck you guys in for the night" he says as he takes them up to bed that night

Logan was gentle with the kids cause they were bandaged up from their cuts that they had on them and they were sore as well as he bathed them that night

"Okay guys bedtime I will show you guys your new rooms tonight before i tuck you guys in for the night" he says as he walks them to their rooms that were done for them

"Peter this is your room buddy" Logan says as he brings Peter into his Thomas the tank engine room that had Thomas bed with it

"Tank you" Peter says to him as he goes to his bed and get under the covers

"You are quite welcome night buddy" Logan says as he tucks Peter in for the night

"Night" Peter says as he gets under the covers that night and goes to bed himself that night cause he wanted to sleep good his first night a little bit before his brothers come home from the hospital

Logan closes his door a little bit just in case Peter needed Logan 

"Allie your room is close by your new sisters room, so you can go see them whenever you want" Logan says as he walks her to her new room after he had tucked Peter in for his first night in his new home

Allie was happy she was far away from her brother, and she had her own room all to herself

"Look Allie it says Allie's room in a pretty crown" he tells her as he shows her room

Allie's eyes lit up at that comment cause she never felt like a princess ever

"Look sweetie you get a carriage bed as you bed do you want papa to put you in it?" he asks her

"Yes" she says shyly to him

"Are you going to be okay sleeping by yourself tonight or do you want papa to sleep with you?" he asks her as they got close to her bed

"Sleep with me papa" she tells him

"Okay I will" he says as he gets into the bed with her, so she isn't lonely at all which is scary for her since she is sleeping in a new place and a new bed too

Logan was careful of the bump, so he wouldn't hurt her as he slept with her that night cause since the girls are active sometimes he didn't want to scare her

"Allie your sisters want to say good night to you" he says when he felt the girls kick within him before bed that night

"Night sissy's" she says to his bump as she gave it a kiss before she went to bed that night

"Thank you Allie they loved that a lot" he says when he felt the flutter in his stomach as he felt them kick happily cause sissy had kissed them good night 

Allie hugs his bump cause she loved her new sisters a lot and she loved papa too

"Oh I love you too Allie" he says as he hugs her close to him

Logan covered both of them up and falls asleep next to her

"Night Allie" he says to her as he kisses her forehead

"Night papa luv you" she says to him as she goes to sleep next to papa

"I love you too Allie" he says as he goes to sleep after she tells him good night

Logan got up during the night to use the bathroom cause the triplets were still kicking him in the bladder, and Allie didn't want papa to leave her at all during the night so she came with papa and she used the potty like a big girl 

"Good girl Allie now we wash our hands" he says as he helps her with washing her hands after she went to the potty like a big girl that she was

Logan fixed her hair so it looked pretty again

"Back to bed princess" he says as he takes her back to bed for the night after they went to the bathroom that night 

Allie stayed close as she went with papa cause the house was scary at night without no lights on to see where she was going with papa and to her room  

"Baby it's okay me and daddy will get lights for you so you ain't that scared of the dark" Logan says to her as they enter her room again to go to bed  that night cause he didn't know if  she had a bathroom next to her room so she wasn't that scared of the dark 

Allie felt better about the light that was going to be in the house so she could see if she wanted to go see daddy and papa at night if she was scared out of her mind

"Night baby" he says as he tucks her in 

V & C

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu