Logan and two of the girls come home

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Logan was able to feed her a little bit and she ate really good for the first time since the birth

"Good girl" Logan says as he was going to burp her and Kendall was going to change her after Logan burped her of course since she needed fed

Mollie hated getting her diaper change by daddy

"Mollie daddy is going to be quick with his little girl" Kendall says as he was changing her and keeping her calm as well

Kendall gave Mollie back to Logan so he could take care of the mean diaper away in the trash and wash his hands

"Daddy was fast with you princess" Logan says as he was holding her again

Molie settled down for papa when she heard his voice

"It's okay" Logan says as he was rocking her in his arms to calm her down once more since she was quite upset for some reason

"You going back to sleep huh little girl?" he asks as he was rocking her back to sleep

Soon Mollie was fast asleep like a little lamb in her papa's arms

"Logan let's go back and see the others" Kendall says as he was helping Logan up so and into the wheelchair so they could go back to the room

Logan didn't fight him he knew Mollie was always going to be there and he could come and see her when he wanted

(Days later)

Logan was ready to go home and get settled in with the others cause Kendall and him had a lot to juggle in the coming days as well as coming back to the hospital to see Mollie and see how she is doing since she was not the best right now anyways and Logan was hoping she was going to be coming home soon cause he hated to have the girls separated for a long time so this was going to be stressful on him. He knew juggling two babies will be bettter then three right now caue he had to help Kendall with the boys and take care of the other two as well cause they needed them too and Kendall started potty training Peter and it was not going too well so he was hoping that Allie was going to be better when she starts potty training so Kendall was going to teach Peter while Logan had Allie   

"Hey Logie" Kendall says as he came in with the boys and Allie was pulling the other triple stroller for papa for the other babies 

"Hey" Logan says as he was sitting on his hospital bed at the moment watching some videos on how to care for multiples as he waited for the girls to come back cause they had to have their first shots and they had to have their foot pricked as well

Kendall got the outfits out for the girls while Allie went to wait on her sisters since she was ready for them to come home and stay with her 

"The girls are going to look so cute in these" Kendall says as he put the outfits as Caitlyn was brought into the room first 

"Emily will be along they are having troubles with her one foot" the nurse says to Kendall and Logan as she brings Caitlyn into the room so they could get her ready to go home and she can be with her brothers and her one sister who was ready to have her sisters home with her so she could help out with them cause the kids have been through enough right now 

"I might as well get her ready" Logan says as he gets out of bed and was going to go to her so he could get her ready to go home and get her settled in as well 

"Might as well I am going to see how Peter is" Kendall says as he was going to go to the waiting room since Kendall took the boys down to the waiting room where Peter was watching his IPAD since it was going to be a while while Kendall and Logan was busy with the girls and getting them ready to come home 

"I am going to be right here i can come out when the girls are back" Logan says as he was changing Caitlyn and get her ready to come home 

"Okay I am going to be waiting for you" Kendall says as they kissed as he left to check on the boys 

Logan was quick to get Caitlyn ready since she slept through the whole change 

"Caitlyn you look really cute" Logan says as he looks at her as he got her ready for her pictures since she was going to have her pictures taken before Emily came back 

Logan got a headband on her as the nurse came back to get her for her pictures

"Hey Emily you ready to come home?" he asks when Emily was brought in the room so she could go home 

Emily coos up at him 

"I say yes come on sweet girl" he says as he was changing her so she could go home 

Logan had Allie go in the front so the weight was balanced out and she looks liked she was ready for her nap as well, so if she feel asleep she was asleep  

"When i get home Allie we can snuggle together just the two of us" he says as he looks at her as he was putting Caitlyn in her car seat  

Allie nods as she rubs her eyes since she was really sleepy

"Allie have you been sleeping good?" Logan asks her since he was worried about her lately 

She shakes her head no as she looks at papa

"Tonight papa will make sure you sleep good and see what is going on with you" Logan says as he was stroking her cheek as he looks at her 

Emily was brought back soon and Logan got her ready to go home as well

"Okay Kenny I am ready to go" Logan says as they were heading out of the hospital to the big van that had all of the car seats  

"Peter come on buddy we are going home to get your sisters settled" Kendall says as he looks at the little boy 

Peter gets up and goes with his parents as they were leaving to go home 

"Logan you go first i can get the othe elevator" Kendall says as he held the door open for Logan since Logan was walking out without a wheelchair   

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant