Part 2

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"Hey, Allie you ready to go home?" Logan asks as he came in to see her and see how she got herself dressed to come home

Allie nods cause she went potty for the nurses before he came to get her

"Let papa do your hair okay pretty girl," he says as he was going to fix her hair so she looked good when she comes home

Logan did pigtails for her and she loved it

"Okay hold my hand Allie," he says as they left the room to go home

Allie did what she was told and went home with papa and Mollie

(Parking garage)

"Allie daddy and I found you and your brother right there in that corner of the garage and you two were really scared," Logan tells her

Allie was glad that daddy and papa found them and they were quite happier with them

"Okay I got to put Mollie in first then you big girl," he says to her as he helped Mollie in the van so they could go home

Logan got Mollie secured in her car seat base before he got Allie in the car as well so they could go home and get settled in for the long run cause it was going to be fun now

"Now we are going home," Logan says as he was going to be driving the van that was going to be used when they had girls cause he was going to be driving the girl van and Kendall had the boy van

Allie looked out the window the whole way home

"You okay Allie?" he asks as he looks back at her cause he was worried about her

"Yeah," she says as she was still looking out the window right now

Logan was worried about her maybe she was having a little post-part right now cause she was pregnant and she didn't know


"Hey Mollie come on in your sisters are going to be glad to see you," Kendall says as he was coming out to get her so she could get settled in

Logan was going to get Allie and she was going to go in to see Peter cause she somewhat missed him as well

"Logie is Allie okay?" Kendall asks him

"I don't know we have to talk," Logan says as he was going to talk to Kendall in private right now

"About what?" Kendall asks him

"The baby cause the hospital is worried about her" Logan says as he was still talking to Kendall

"The baby that Allie had?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah no couple has adopted her cause she is so small, and she has her days," Logan says to him

"So if the baby dies we have to bury her?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah pretty much," Logan says to him

"Plus if she doesn't get adopted she will go to an orphanage once she gets bigger?" Kendall asks him

"Yeah and they hate to see her go there cause she is too precious," Logan tells him

"Maybe James can adopt her cause he wants a daughter to love and she is perfect for him cause she looks like him a little bit"' Kendall says as he  was looking at the picture they had

"I am going to ask James later if he can," Logan says

"Why don't you ask him now I'm sure he won't mind a bit and he can go see her too," Kendall says to him

Logan calls him and James is happy to see the baby girl and he was excited to see her and get to know her as well cause she needed a family especially a dad that would love her and care for her

"James is going to take her cause he misses his niece so much he wants a little girl of his own to fill that void," Logan says as he was going to take care of the other two as well

(Days later)

James had second thoughts on the baby, so he was not going to take her cause he hated to lose her if she didn't make it so she was back in the hospital's care for the time being

"I'm thinking what developmental issues she will have from being on life support this long" Kendall says as the boys were playing with some toys and their sisters were on their blanket right now playing with their toys

"Me too and no one wants her the poor thing," Logan says as Kendall's brother and Logan's sister calls them to check in on the baby cause they were worried for her as well

Logan's sister was going to come out to see the baby and might take her after she gets released

"All we have to do is keep getting updates on the baby and then she will have her new home," Logan says to Kendall

"Yup," Kendall says cause his brothers were interested in her as well cause she was too precious

Logan's sister came a few days later and fell in love with her and stayed with her

"What are you going to name her?" Logan asks her

"Probably a hurricane name cause she is going through a storm to survive this world" Logan sister tells him

"It looks like those type of names fits her especially Hurricane," Logan says as he looks at her

"Well her first name is Hurricane then and her last name is Henderson" Logan sister says to him

"Nice to meet you Hurricane," Logan says to the baby that was out of her incubator right now

The baby snuggled on Logan's sister cause she was really happy right now

"She is just a tiny thing," Logan's sister says to him

"Yeah she is getting better and stronger with each passing day and she will grow until a perfect baby," he says as he was looking at her

"I love her so much already," Logan's sister tells him

"I can see that and she loves you and I think she loves me, but it will hurt too much if we keep her," Logan says as he was looking at the baby that was on his sister right now

"I see that Allie especially and is she okay with me taking the baby?" Logan sister asks him

"She is fine with anyone taking the baby," he tells her

"Can I think it over a little more?" his sister asks him

"Yeah you can I hate to have you jump into this too quickly," he tells her as he takes the baby from her

Logan just held the baby close to him as he ponders everything right now and he was going to see if Carlos wanted a daughter to care for cause he didn't want to bring hurricane home from the hospital cause of Allie


Logan's parents came and looked at the baby that he had and they might want to take her as their daughter since Logan and his sister were grown up and out on their own, and they were empty nesters it was perfect

"Logan we will take her" his mom tells him

"This will be awkward for us she will be my sister" Logan tells them

"We can come up with something so it isn't awkward for you and Allie" his mom says

Part 3 will come when Wattpad isn't having issues or I end up working without a day off

The twins & triplets of Kendall and Logan wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now