🌞Chapter 24

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After the closing time of 5 PM, his co-workers started to leave one by one. Mew continued to enter data, face to face with the computer monitor.

He started to feel really hungry, so his hands stopped. Come to think of it, he was busy nursing that lady from the same company during his lunch hours, so he didn't have time to eat outside. He had convenience store's bread as his lunch.

Thinking about filling his empty stomach with can coffee, he stood up and for the first time realized that there was a commotion near the entrance.

"He's a tall gentleman, with glasses."

The voice brushed past his ears. Surrounded by people, the morning's beautiful lady peeked out.

Their eyes met. She smiled and came to Mew, who was pausing at the entryway.

Softly curling, silken hair slightly passed her shoulders and wrapped around her tiny face. Her eyes were huge. Her slender arms and legs were shockingly white, so her elegantly standing pose made her look like a Japanese doll. She deeply bowed her head to Mew.

"Thank you so much for this morning."

"Were you okay afterwards?"

The pretty girl grinned, like a flower blossoming.

"I slept at the nurse's office for 2 hours after that, and then I was completely energized."

"I'm so glad to hear that it wasn't a serious illness."

"Yes. Um...Are you leaving now?" She asked, so he shook his head.

"I still have some work left."

The beauty lowered her head, as if giving up.

"I was thinking about repaying your kindness this morning…"

"Oh no, don't worry about that."

Once again, she thanked him, and left the room. Men made a fence around Mew without evenwaiting for the door to close behind her.

"What's your relation with Samantha Coates?"

They asked for details, so when he summarized what happened in the morning, the guys finally looked like they understood the situation.

"Even so, not bad at all. There are tons of guys who'd like to go out with Samantha, but she has such tough defenses."

"If I knew this was going to happen, I would've eaten outside, too."

The men who crowded around Mew seemed disheartened by his lack of reaction. Just like when they gathered around him, it didn't take them even 5 minutes before they all dispersed without a trace.

When he became alone and it became quiet, Mew breathed out heavily. Question after question.

He felt in his heart the power of a gorgeous woman. Samantha was definitely a drop-dead beauty that would attract anyone at first sight.

....But that's all she was.

Just because one was beautiful and loveable, it didn't mean that she became a love interest right away.
That was him right now, for example. Adjectives like adorable and pretty didn't match Gulf at all, even though the word 'kind' suited him perfectly.

"Must be feeling pretty good about yourself."

Angry words poured over him. He broke out of his thoughts and looked around him. His eyes met with Kaownah's sharp gaze. He couldn't understand Kaownah's 'anger.'

Kaownah turned to the side violently. It was a bit later that he finally realized the meaning of his gaze.


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