🌞Chapter 5🌻

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It was only for a brief period that they could relax because the event ended. Not even a week passed before they became busy with end-of-the month summaries, so November passed by in a chaos.

Recently the sun started to set quickly, so as soon as 5 PM passed when all works were due, outside started to darken. After six it became completely dark. Gulf realized this one day when he returned to the office. He noticed show windows on the streets that were decorated with red and green all of a sudden.

It has been one month since he had talked to Mew at the conference room. After that, they have never spoken to each other.

Gulf was avoiding Mew as much as he could without making things awkward, and Mew didn't approach or talk to Gulf needlessly. Calling him up and talking to him had quite an effect, as he didn't bother him with burdensome gazes, either.

At the first weekend of December, when trains became most clogged because of rush hour, Gulf sighed for umpteenth time as he stamped the presented document. When he handed the document over, the female worker who received it worriedly glanced at Gulf's face.

"Aren't you overworking yourself, sir?"

Gulf wondered if his face looked so tired that even others would worry about him, and lightly hit his cheeks with the ends of his hands.

"It's been so busy lately. But I'm okay. It's not a big deal."

That kind of faking-strength did not seem to convince her, since the female worker didn't budge from Gulf's desk.

"It's been concerning me since this morning, but Team Leader, you look so pale. Shouldn't you be better go back home for today?"

It's already been two hours since work hours were over. The remaining workers could be counted on one hand. Come to think of it, the work he was doing now could wait until Monday. Gulf bitterly smiled and placed the remaining documents in his desk drawer. The watching female worker sighed, looking relieved.

"I'm sorry for worrying you. The end-of-the-month things to tie up and play golf and drinking with clients during the weekends left no time for me to rest at all."

"Must be hard for you."

"I have to go towards Kanchanaburi area tomorrow as well..."

The female worker frowned a little.

"Clients again?"

"Oh no, it's a personal business. Recently my uncle's health has worsened....He's only in his fifties, but I think his time is near. I was going to go visit him at the hospital tomorrow, but my car's going through an inspection and I couldn't manage to borrow a car. Just thinking about being shaken up in a train for two, three hours, going back and forth, makes me heavy-hearted."

The girl seemed to come to herself when she heard the short chime indicating that it was half past seven, and she stated "Don't push yourself" before she returned to her seat. He had no intention of complaining to someone else, but he said such useless things. He was probably psychologically weakened because he was so tired. Gulf quickly gathered up his things and said good-byes to the remaining workers before he hurriedly left the office. When the elevator arrived at the ground floor and he reached the automatic gates at the company building's entrance, Gulf naturally stopped.

The streets were faintly lit with street lights. The leaves of the trees lining the streets are widely shaken.

Passing woman's long hair wildly blew in the wind. He thought about having to walk to the station in this fierce wind and taking the crowded train, tossed here and there. Just thinking about it made him sick.

When he made up his mind and took a step forward, someone called his name. The automatic door swung wide open, and then quickly closed. The brown leaf that flew in when the door opened made crackling noises by Gulf's foot.


Mew was inputting data in front of his keyboard until the moment Gulf was leaving the office.

Mew walked towards Gulf, holding onto his coat with one hand. His shoulders shook as he took deep breaths.

"I heard what you were talking about before. Tomorrow...You're going to , right? I was about to take some photos. If it's okay with you, why don't we go together? I shall drive."

If this wasn't Mew--or rather, even if it was Mew, if it was before the confession he would have gladly accepted. But...Gulf didn't say anything for a few moments and quietly looked at his junior's face. Outside the sound of blustery wind could be heard, but in the dimly lit entrance where only two of them stood, silence settled like a water about to overflow.

"Did you even look at the weather forecast for tomorrow? It's going to rain."

At Gulf's words, Mew tightly closed his lips. He loudly sighed, as if he purposedly wanted him to hear it.

"Why the hell do you think I'm going all the way to Kanchanaburi?"

"I heard... it was to visit your relative at the hospital."

"Yes, I'm going to visit someone who's going to die soon. I'm different from someone like you, who's just going to go there and have fun."

His tone was mean. He knew that Mew was using photography as an excuse because he wanted to give him a ride, but he wasn't going to let him get away with it. Not to mention, Gulf was so dreadfully tired that he didn't have the presence of mind to refuse Mew in a considerate manner.

"Can you be more thoughtful now?"

Mew lowered his pale face. No, he might have just looked that way because it was semi-darkness.

"...I'm sorry for overstepping my boundaries and speaking up. Excuse me while I go before you."

Saying that in a thin, small voice, Mew left the entrance. When the door opened a strong gust of wind came in, so Gulf unconsciously closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again, Mew was already out of his sight.


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