🌞Chapter 3🌻

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Since it was after the weekend, the office suddenly became busy in the afternoon. The phone rang without stopping and people's voices overlapped here and there. A little apart from the chaos, Gulf was looking at the new planning sheets and related documents. But he couldn't pay attention at all, so from a while back, for every three pages he read of the related documents at his right side, he had to go back and reread two pages.

Gulf knew very well that he was nervous, and the reason why. It wasn't because of the noise nor the chaos. He just felt grossed out. He was just unbearably grossed out by the "gaze" that continued to silently focus on him.

"The director is upset with something, isn't he?"

A male office worker sitting near Gulf's desk softly whispered to a female worker by his side.

Normally he would have let that go without thinking much about it, but he was clearly aware of it this time.

"There is a limit to my patience!"

Gulf roughly threw the documents on top of his desk. Sudden silence descended followed by that noise. Everyone nervously looked at Gulf's expression. Gulf glanced at his surroundings before he stood up and quickly left the room.

He wouldn't be able to bear it if he didn't try to relieve his stress. Gulf bought a canned coffee from a vending machine at the end of the hallway, and he drank half of it, watching the view downstairs through a dirty window.

As soon as he ran away from that gaze, he felt like the anxiety spread through his system drained

Gulf started to notice Mew's obvious stare the day after he confessed to him. Right after that incident, Gulf had to bear through Mew's gaze all day. But day after day, Mew's gaze didn't leave Gulf.

"To be stared at by Mew who said he loved him" became stressful to Gulf in many ways.

Just when Gulf sighed and was about to finish off his coffee, his patience completely snapped.


When he yelled his name loud enough to echo through the hallways, Mew straightened his posture from his slightly slouching one, as if he were startled. He turned around and smiled when he realized who was calling him. He ran to his side.

"What is it?"

"Follow me."

Gulf gestured roughly with his chin. He tossed his half-remaining coffee down the garbage can and walked to the middle of the hallway. When he got on the elevator, Mew followed him. He pressed the button to the 18th floor, which was the top floor. The elevator started to ascend quietly,
but Gulf closed his mouth with a faceless expression and didn't say anything. Mew noticed his
senior's behavior and quietly looked at Gulf, looking troubled.

After he checked to make sure it wasn't locked, he opened the door. The conference room was a big room that took up about half of the roof. No one used it much except on few meetings in which all departments gathered together for a conference. Since they had an end-of-the-month meeting just the day before yesterday, as he thought no one was at the conference room.

When he entered, Mew also came in. The southern part of the conference room was completely made out of glass, but curtains completely blocked out the lights, so the room was dark.


Gulf turned around after mildly calling him. He glared up at his junior who bent his tall body slightly. Mew, who had been following Gulf from behind, answered "Yes" when his name had been called.

"Do you know what I want to say?"

Mew cocked his head and thought.
"...Is this about the event the week after next?"

Enough acting like he didn't know what he was talking about! Gulf violently slapped the top of the table.

"This is not about work. It's about a personal matter!"

Mew's face suddenly became bright red. From his lowered head, his ears could be seen dyed red.

"If you stare at me so obviously, I can't just sit there, either. I can't even concentrate on my work because I feel uncomfortable. Let me make it clear; you're being annoying."

Mew didn't lift his lowered head.

"Are you even working? You're just staring at me all day."

He meanly muttered on purpose, looking into Mew's lowered face.

"Did I...stare at you that often, P'Gulf?"

A small voice. Gulf shortly laughed, his shoulders shaking.

"It's so "obvious" that it's strange that other people didn't notice!"

When he spat that out, Mew clenched his hands into fists tightly.

"...I am so sorry for making you feel disgusted."

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