"I'm telling you," Zeya complained. "I want Henry's little dick over an open fire."

Meera's eyes widened at the girl's sudden language. She gasped as Eryx straightened up and looked over his shoulder.

"I thought I smelled you," he said, his voice carrying a hint of teasing acknowledgment

Meera stared as Eryx turned to face her with an air of casual confidence. His features were striking, combining rugged charm with an undeniable handsomeness. The captain's cabin provided a backdrop that accentuated his allure – a mix of sea air, sunlight filtering through the small windows, and the subtle creaking of the ship beneath.

His raven curls framed his face, adding an untamed quality that only enhanced his appeal. The white shirt he wore emphasized the tan he had acquired during his time in Azmeera, making him stand out amidst the maritime surroundings. Eryx's stance exuded a relaxed strength, with his hands casually clasped before him and his feet planted shoulder-width apart.

Meera found herself momentarily captivated by the sight of him, her eyes tracing the contours of his face and the lines of his form. The combination of his physical attractiveness and the enigmatic aura that surrounded him left her momentarily speechless. Meera felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she struggled to find words in response. The contrast between his playful tone and the intensity in his silver-gray eyes added to the mystery Eryx effortlessly projected.

"Zeya?" Eryx spoke without taking his eyes off of Meera.

"What?" Zeya asked, fussing with the stain on her dress.

"Tell the crew we're leaving," Eryx said. "We have the princess."

Meera's eyes widened. Her heart sank to the bottom of the ocean as her body kicked into flight or fight response. She bolted towards the door without so much as a second thought.

"Meera, I'm only joking!" Eryx leaped forward and hooked his strong arm around her waist.

"Let go of me!" Meera shouted as she tried to push down his arm.

Suddenly, the steady ship began to sway. The waves underneath grew restless as Meera's heart pounded inside her chest.

"You're an asshole," Zeya clicked her tongue and shoved Eryx back. "Meera, don't listen to him. We're not kidnappers."

Meera sprung away and positioned herself against the cabin walls as Eryx and Zeya stared at her. Her hair had come undone from the braid she had down her back. Her rapid breathing made her perspire and gasp for air.

"Relax, Meera," Eryx said, holding up his hands to show her he meant no harm. "I apologize. That was an insensitive joke."

"How do I know I can trust you?" Meera asked.

"I mean if we did leave with you, you can will the ocean to sail the ship back to Azmeera," Zeya muttered with a shrugged.

"Right," Meera said, almost as if she had forgotten.

"You have more control of this situation then you think you do," Eryx explained.

"Do I?" Meera pushed away from the walls as anger took over. "You're going to bring down the Vorean Fleet? Blockade our harbors? Send away Silverkeep ships? What in the hell is wrong with you?"

"Do you really want Henry around?" Zeya asked. "Even after everything that happened today?"

"What happened today?" Eryx's brows knit together as he looked over his shoulder towards the girl.

"Noth-" Meera began but Zeya beat her to the punch.

"The little twat attacked me!" She said. "With his toothpick sword. And he hit Princess Marcella."

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