chapter ten

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all a lie

lee miyeon

"why would you let me win most of the arguments? that doesn't seem very 'brat tamer' of you." i cringe as the words leave my mouth.

"most of our arguments aren't serious, so i don't mind letting you win." he shrugs.

"that— that doesn't make sense. aren't you supposed to put me in my place all the time? even if it's over something small?" i didn't know why i was asking such a question, as if i was interested in the lifestyle.

"well do you want me to?" he cocks an eyebrow suggestively.

"i— stop doing that." i look away from him, a blush creeping onto the apples of my cheeks. he laughs.

"look, ive never thought about it that way until hyunjin mentioned it, and now that he did, i mean— i guess i see it."

"okay? what, are we supposed to just enter this relationship now? i mean, i still think he was wrong, and— and even if he wasn't, it's not like we're going to suddenly change." i ramble, words falling out of my mouth one after the other. i was definitely a nervous talker.

"well, i'm not saying we have to... do anything, but if you really think about it, not much will change." his tone was suggestive. i couldn't help but roll my eyes. this was ridiculous.

"this is weird." i shake my head.

"we could always just... experiment. no harm in that, right?"

"chan, you do realize you're suggesting a sexual relationship? right?" i cock an eyebrow at him.

"i know." he nods. his confidence not faltering in the slightest. "it's completely up to you, but if you want my
opinion— don't knock it until you try it." he finally backs away from me.

"can i go now?" i ask, causing a smirk to appear on his lips.

"and if i say no?" i roll my eyes.

"i'll get up and go anyways." i deadpan.

"will you?" i gulp at his sudden dark expression, almost as if he was daring me to not listen to him. part of me wanted to stay here, but a bigger part of me wanted to see if he would actually try anything if i left. does that mean i— no. i am not into this. "well?" chan ushers, looking at me expectantly.

"i'm going." i tell him, pushing myself off of his bed and heading to his door. i pull it open without hesitation, almost making it out unscathed. almost.

"you'll come back tonight?" he asks, his arms wrapping around my waist, stopping me from walking any further. i scoff, pushing myself out of his grasp.

"i won't." i send him a glare.

"we'll see." he shrugs, finally leaving me be as he closes the door, leaving me a confused, and slightly blushing mess in the hallway. i shake my head, quickly making my way back into my room.

"i thought you weren't coming." felix chuckles, already in the middle of his own game.

"i got held up." i tell him, grabbing my controller as i plop onto my bed.

"with what?" he asks.

"i don't want to talk about it." i shake my head, connecting my controller to the game. thankfully, he doesn't press any further.


"ugh! i give up!" felix groans as he loses for the fifth time in a row. "when did you get so good at this game?" he pouts. i shrug, chuckling slightly as i rest my controller in my lap, stretching out my back from the uncomfortable way i was sitting. "well i'm going to bed. we have recordings tomorrow." he yawns, turning off his controller.

"me too, i'm just gonna grab something to drink first." i tell him. he nods, turning everything off and getting comfortable in his bed.

"night, miyeon."

"night, felix." i reply, quietly shutting the door behind me as i head to the kitchen. i open the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water as i lean against the counter to take a few sips. i couldn't stop my eyes from trailing over to chan's door. he was still awake, a small amount of light shining underneath his door.

his words from earlier rang in my head and i couldn't believe that i was even considering going back to his room. but the curiosity was eating away at me. i even lost a few games to felix as i got lost in my head, thinking of all the different ways chan and i could experiment. i hated that i found myself walking towards his door, even more so when i couldn't bring myself to push it open.

"stupid..." i mumble to myself, pacing back and fourth outside the door. i wasn't into this, i knew i wasn't. but i was just so curious. chan seemed to not be new to the topic. i was aware of how hyper-active his sex life was, but i never cared enough to find out what all went into it. i had dabbled in the world of sex a little on my own,
but in all honesty, nothing ever intrigued me enough to want more. so it felt very strange to be standing outside of someone's door, wondering what direction our sex life could go.

i roll my eyes, huffing as i stop my pacing. and with that, i go to retreat back to my room. even if i went back in there, there was no telling what would go down. he could actually be asleep, or he could be working, either way, i couldn't bring myself to do it. that is until my phone went off.

chris bang bang :p

do you plan on standing
outside of my door all night?


my eyes widen at the text. how did he know? i look back up in utter horror as he opens the door, a hand shoved lazily into his pocket as he stares back at me.

"did you want to come in?" he cocks an eyebrow.

"i— no i was just going back to my room." i shake my head, but my feet stay planted. he furrows his brows, pressing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.

"okay." he shrugs, walking back into his room, but he leaves his door open. i furrow my own brows as i watch him sit down on his bed, placing his laptop on his lap. i knew what he was getting at, leaving the door open like that, as if beckoning me to walk in. and for some reason,

it worked.

brat // bang chanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora