chapter six

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double update cause i love you guys and i feel bad for being mia recently <33

lee miyeon

"and you snore— really loudly." i retort as i follow a grumpy chan out of his room.

"i do not snore." he rolls his eyes.

"how would you know?"

"it's too early for this..." minho yawns as he rests his hand in his palm. he was sat around the table, eating a bowl of cereal.

"yeah. it's also too early to get woken up by someone putting their cold ass feet on your back." chan sends me a glare.

"well maybe i wouldn't have done it if i could get more than five minutes of sleep before you go—" i mimic the loud and obnoxious sound of his snoring. sure it wasn't that bad, but i had to annoy him somehow.

"oh don't even. i was up for like two hours and you were out cold." he retorts.

"uh yeah... because you were awake and not snoring." i state matter-of-factly. minho snorts at that.

"you two are something else." he shakes his head, bringing his attention back to his phone.

"i don't want cereal." i tell chan as he pulls down two bowls from the cupboard. he sends me a look before putting the second bowl back in place.

"what do you want then?" he asks.

"i kind of want pizza." i shrug.

"at seven in the morning?" he cocks an eyebrow.

"why not?" i shrug.

"one, we don't have any pizza, and two, your stomach will hurt and i won't hear the end of it." he explains as i sit down next to him, watching him pour his cereal.

"then what do we have?" i pout.

"cereal." he shrugs. i roll my eyes, watching him take a bite of the cereal. he makes eye contact with me, cocking an eyebrow at my pouty expression. he sighs before sliding his bowl to me, standing up to grab another bowl for himself. i couldn't help but giggle as i started to eat his cereal. minho was back to looking at us with an amused expression as chan pours another bowl for himself.

"what?" i ask him.

"nothing." he shakes his head, chuckling slightly.


"can i drive?" i ask, running up to grab chan's keys.

"no." he states, grabbing them before i got the chance.

"why don't you ever let me do anything?" i roll my eyes.

"you don't even have a license."


"so... that's illegal." he states.

"i don't wanna go then." i cross my arms.

"alright, stay here, see if i care." he shrugs, starting to walk to the door.

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