chapter eight

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holding back

lee miyeon

"uno!" jisung exclaims happily, holding his final card securely in his hands.

"this game is rigged." hyunjin rolls his eyes.

"it's actually just luck based." i reply with a yawn, my head resting on chan's shoulder. sure he could see all of my cards, and i could see all of his, but i was too comfortable to care. i watch as chan places a yellow card into the pile, effectively changing it to the one color i didn't have. i gaze up at him only to see him smirking at me, lazily.

"guess your luck just ran out." he chuckles, motioning for me to draw cards.

"you're lucky i'm tired." i groan before reaching to draw a few cards, it unfortunately took me five tries before i got a yellow one. i grumpily placed it into the pile, plopping my head back on his shoulder with a yawn.

"why are you so tired today?" seungmin asks.

"because she slept in her own bed." felix snickers. "i guess she got used to sleeping with chan." he adds, playfully looking between the two of us.

"felix." i groan, not really having the energy to argue with him either.

"am i wrong?" he cocks an eyebrow, a cocky expression on his face.

"yes. you are." i deadpan. all of the boys erupting into a fit of laughter.

"sure." minho buds in. i roll my eyes, turning my head, nuzzling into chan's shoulder.

"guys, leave her alone." chan tells them, surprising even me.

"i never thought i would hear you say something like that." changbin chuckles.

"what? she's not trying to rip my head off for once, it's nice." chan shrugs, the quick action causing me to bite down harshly on my tongue.

"ow! you fucking-"

"shhh." chan shushes me, wrapping his arm around my head and resting it back against his shoulder. i huff, but stay put. i really wasn't in the mood.

"he's getting better at that." jeongin smirks.

"at what?" i question, furrowing my brows at his smirk.

"i win! you all suck! i'm the best!" jisung jumps up from his place, dancing happily as he has no cards in his hands. we all watch the scene unfold as minho draws his hand back, jisung completely unsuspecting of the attack. and with a loud smack, jisung was jumping away from us, hands covering his ass as he scowls at minho. "why do you do that?" a rhetorical question, but minho being his sassy self, he would answer it for sure.

"it's fun." he shrugs.

"you're weird." jisung frowns before walking off into his room.

"do you guys want to keep playing?" hyunjin asks.

"i'm gonna go take a nap." i yawn, placing my cards down.

"do it in chan's room, you'll sleep better." felix winks.

"you can if you want." chan tells me, i wave him off.

"i don't need to sleep in chan's room." i roll my eyes, pushing myself off the ground, quickly making my way to my own room.


this is so stupid. i've been laying in my bed for an hour, completely exhausted, yet, i literally can't fall asleep. felix's words rang through my mind, and i couldn't help but wonder if i actually would sleep better in chan's room. luckily, i was too tired to let my pride get the best of me, so i found myself cracking open the door to my shared room with felix.

five of them were on the couch, i could only assume minho and jisung were in their room from the earlier events. the only other one missing was jeongin. i sighed quietly in relief as he made his way back to the couch from the kitchen, his arms full of snacks. the boys all brought their attention to him. perfect timing.

i very carefully sneak across the living room, heading straight for chan's room. i made it without gettung spotted, sighing happily as i push open the door, shutting it quietly behind me. his bed was made, and the only lights in the room were from his low led red lights. i yawn once again before climbing into his bed, instantly pulling the covers up and over my shoulders.

i already felt more relaxed in here, and i tried to convince myself it was the red lights rather than the fact that it's just chan's room. i made it a point to buy some red lights for my room with felix, as i remember him telling me red light helps you sleep. thankfully, i was falling into a deep slumber within only a few minutes.


"miyeon..." i yawn as someone's voice fills my ears, followed by various pokes on my arm.

"what?" i mumble, not yet opening my eyes.

"are you staying in here or going back to your room?" it was chan.

"hmm..." i roll over, burying my face into the pillow. i was too comfortable to move.

"okay, scoot over then." he chuckles as i feel the bed dip beside of me. the overwhelming urge to reach over and bury my face in his chest scared me a little. i'd never had the urge to do something like that, but in the moment, it felt like it would be the most comfortable thing. "you know the guys are gonna make fun of you." he starts, getting comfortable on his side.

"why?" i question, still face first into the pillow, fighting the urge to go face first into him.

"because they know you're in here." he responds calmly, something about his voice in this moment was so alluring.

"whatever. it's the red lights, they help me sleep." i mumble, flailing one of my arms in hopes that he understood what i meant. he chuckles, shocking me as his hand lands on my back, rubbing small circles.

"we should get some for your room then, yeah?" he suggests. i felt butterflies erupt in my stomach from his gentle touch and soft voice. i knew i would regret the moment i lifted my head from his pillow to meet his gaze, but i did it anyway. my breath getting caught in my throat as we make eye contact.

"y-yeah— that'd be nice." i nod.

"i'll buy them for you." he suggests, removing his hand from my back as he grabs his phone. all i wanted to do was put his hand back, and stare into his eyes. what is wrong with me?

"that's okay— i can buy them." i tell him, trying to get him to put his phone back down.

"no, you've gotta get the expensive ones, otherwise it won't look as good as they do in here." he waves me off, already searching up the red lights he has in his room.

"fine, i'll buy you dinner tomorrow or something." i mumble, dropping my head back down to the pillow. he probably wouldn't put his hand back, and i sure as hell wasn't gonna do it myself, despite the overwhelming urge i had to do so.

"sure." he chuckles.

fuck him and these weird feelings he's making me feel.

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