chapter fifteen

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learn your lesson


lee miyeon

"oh fuck..." i groan, another wave of nausea flowing through as i lean back into the toilet.

"language, baby girl." chan pats my back as he holds my hair out of my face.

"chan. shut up." i snap, immediately wrenching into the toilet.

"i'll let that slide since you're sick." he chuckles.

"water..." i groan, lifting my head up. he reaches over, grabbing a cup of water, carefully bringing it to my lips. "ugh." i lean back onto chan, throwing my head on his shoulder as he sits the cup down, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"and this is why you don't drink like that, baby girl." he lectures, pressing a kiss to my temple.

"you left me here. i had nothing else to do." i shrug.

"you could have just went out and did something normal." he laughs.

"but lily and i always go bar hopping."

"and now you've been sitting on my bathroom floor for an hour." he retorts.

"well i'm better now." i tell him, pushing myself out of his embrace, but immediately regretting it as i stand straight up.

"come on, back down." chan laughs, pulling me back onto his lap.

"don't you have practice today?" i ask, placing my hands over my stomach.

"i do." he hums, pressing his lips to my neck.

"what time?"

"hm— thirty minutes ago." he shrugs.

"chan! why are you still here?" i scold him, regretting it instantly as the pounding in my head intensified.

"i'm making sure you're okay." his voice soft, and calm.

"i'm fine, i've had plenty of hangovers before." i wave him off.

"and we're alone." he whispers, and i suddenly became more aware of the way he was kissing my neck. hungrily.

"chan— not now." i push on him slightly.

"that's the third time you've called me the wrong name. i'm gonna get tired of letting it slide, baby girl." he tsks.

"this hangover is punishment enough." i retort.

"for what you did last night, not for what you're doing right now." he shakes his head.

"i'm literally throwing up right now, how are you even thinking like that?" i roll my eyes.

"i'm not a monster, i'll wait until you're better." he whispers. "doesn't mean i'm not gonna prepare you for it." he adds, taking the skin of my neck between his teeth. i gasp at the feeling, my eyes closing as he closes his lips around the bite, gently sucking on it.

"y-you're gonna leave a mark." i stutter, secretly loving the feeling.

"mhmm." he hums, gently releasing the skin. "that's the goal." he speaks, rubbing his thumb over the mark.

"the guys are gonna see it." i whine.

"i guess you'll have to come up with a story." he teases.

"what am i supposed to say?" he only shrugs.

"i don't know, but i look forward to hearing whatever you come up with." he smirks, gently sliding me off of his lap.

"you're leaving now?" i look up at him.

"yeah, we'll be back earlier today." he nods, pulling bathroom door open.

"okay." i nod, leaning back against the wall, pouting slightly because it was nowhere near as comfortable as chan.

"there's soup in the fridge when you're ready. minho made it." he leans down, patting my head before fully leaving.


"how are you feeling?" felix asks, wrapping his arms around my neck as he hugs me from the back of the couch.

"i'm fine now." i chuckle, patting his arm.

"chan said you were really sick." he pouts, climbing over the back of the couch to sit next to me. "oh— apparently not that sick." he suddenly smirks, and i knew his eyes were on my neck.

"shut up." i roll my eyes, covering the hickey with my hand. "it's from last night." i quickly pull out a lie.

"i didn't know you and lily were so wild." he jokes.

"felix." i deadpan.

"sorry." he laughs. "i'm glad you're feeling better now."

"yeah, thanks for the soup, minho." i catch his attention as he walks by.

"no problem." he waves, heading into his room.

"so are you coming with us tomorrow? we have a performance, and i told the manager to get you a seat."

"then i guess i'm coming." i chuckle, seeing as i didn't have much of a choice at that point.

"perfect! it's at night, so we can all finally sleep in for once." he claps excitedly.

"gosh i'm so excited." seungmin joins the conversation, plopping on the other end of the couch with a bowl of food.

"we were so jealous of you when chan told us to let you sleep in the other day." jeongin adds, plopping next to seungmin.

"right! about that, are you planning on moving in with him?" felix suddenly asks.

"what? no." i deny him instantly.

"well, i was just asking, cause you've been in his room every night." he shrugs.

"well once the red lights for our room get here, i'll be able to sleep in there." i tell him.

"you mean the ones chan put up yesterday?" he cocks an eyebrow.

"he— what? they're already up?" i ask.

"yeah, he just finished putting them up when you called him actually." felix nods.

"oh. he didn't tell me." i shrug.

"i guess he likes having you in his bed." hyunjin appears, sitting next to felix with a smirk.

"don't be weird." changbin scolds, sitting next to him.

"i can't be the only one who notices it." hyunjin chuckles.

"you're not." jeongin agrees.

"notices what?" chan finally joins the conversation, sitting down next to me.

"that you like having miyeon in your bed." hyunjin shrugs shamelessly.

"i told you, it's just the red lights." i roll my eyes i him.

"well now that they're in your room, you'll sleep in there tonight?" jeongin asks, a challenging tone to his voice.

"yes, i will." i tell him matter-of-factly. chan chuckles slightly beside of me, causing me to send him a glare.

"are we watching this or what?" chan changes the topic, motioning to the tv, the screen lit up with the starting screen of one of jisung's favorite anime's.

"are you sure jisung didn't want to join?" seungmin asks, directing the question towards changbin.

"minho said he was busy, whatever that means." changbin shrugs.

"alright then." chan shrugs, pressing play on the remote. catching me off guard as he sits the remote down, placing his hand on my thigh after. i didn't want to bring anyone's attention to it, so i stayed as still as possible. trying to act like it hadn't effected me in the slightest.

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