chapter nine

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lee miyeon

"i take it you finally got some sleep?" minho asks as he leans against the wall, watching in amusement as i practically strangled chan.

"a little help here?" chan asks, looking to minho.

"what did he do?" minho ignores chan, directing his question towards me.

"he came in while i was showering and poured a whole pot of ice cold water on my head." i tell him, holding the boy down firmly on the couch. i had his arms trapped beneath the back of my thighs, he actually couldn't get me off even if he wanted to.

"oof, you did this to yourself, channie." minho laughs, walking past us into the kitchen, neglecting to help the poor boy.

"i'll remember this the next time jisung is mad at you!" he calls out, struggling under my grasp. "how long are you planning on holding me here?" he sighs, stopping his struggles.

"until i get bored." i shrug, dramatically looking at my nails.

"we have an interview today— i have to shower." he informs me.

"i know."

"so get off." he groans.

"i don't think i will." i giggle.

"i will roll us both onto the floor, and it'll hurt you more than it'll hurt me." he warns.

"you wouldn't." i call his bluff. regretting it instantly as i see the glint of mischief in his eyes. "wait-" but in an instant, my back collided with the hard floor as chan plopped on top of me. the action allowing his hands to slip free, and he just barely caught himself before he fully crushed me. "i hate you." i glare up at him, trying to ignore the familiar position.

"i know." he chuckles, not yet moving away. why? i don't know.

"oh my god, just fuck already." hyunjin groans as he strolls into the living room, taking in our position.

"huh?" chan and i instantly snap our heads towards hyunjin, speaking in unison.

"the sexual tension is so thick, i can't even see right now." he retorts, grimacing at us as he dramatically shields his eyes from this imaginary tension.

"what are you talking about?" i scoff, unable to move as chan was still hovering above me. were his arms not getting tired?

"she's being a brat, hyung." hyunjin ignores me, talking to chan.

the words seeming to set off something in him, and his eyes were on me in seconds. i meet his sudden gaze with furrowed brows.

"you ever wondered how you guys are still friends even though you're constantly at each others throats?" hyunjin speaks again.

"hyunjin, what are you saying?" i break the intense eye contact with chan, looking back over to the annoyed boy.

"you like being a brat, he likes trying to tame you. you're perfect for each other, now fuck." he states rather bluntly before walking off, joining minho in the kitchen.

"well, he's crazy." i chuckle, looking back to chan who quickly shakes his head, finally getting off of me. he clears his throat, now avoiding my gaze.

"right..." he nods. "i'm gonna shower." and with that, he leaves, although i didn't miss the slight red glow on the tip of his ears.


"chan, did i leave my— oh-" i quickly turn back around, covering my eyes.

"do you ever knock?" he asks, his voice seemingly unbothered.

"why are you naked?" i groan, trying my best to get the rather attractive image out of my head.

"because i'm in my bedroom." he states matter-of-factly. i hear him walk around, opening a few drawers, followed by the sound of him putting clothes on. "what are you looking for?" he asks. i figured it was safe to turn back around, so i did. he stood there in a pair of loose sweatpants. the loose waistband showing how his boxers hugged his hips. his upper body remained uncovered. i had seen him shirtless countless times, so i was a little more relaxed. only the image of his bottom half was still flashing in my mind as i looked at him. "earth to miyeon?" he calls out.

"oh— um... i was looking for..." i trail off. what was i looking for? "never mind." i shake my head, quickly leaving his room. i hear him chuckle as i shut the door behind me, leaning against it as i let out a sigh of relief. and then he pulls the door open. i tensed up as i expected to fall onto the floor, but his arms quickly wrap around my waist, standing me back firmly on my feet.

"can we talk?" he asks.

"i was actually about to go play video games with felix, he asked before you guys went to the interview, and i promised him i would." i tell him, taking a few steps back.

"just five minutes?" he urges.

"well— i've already kept him waiting..." i mumble, looking down to the ground.

"i'll be quick." he doesn't give me much more of an option as he pulls me back into his room, closing the door as he sits me on his bed.

"if this is about what hyunjin said earlier, it's fine, i didn't-"

"it is about what hyunjin said earlier, and it's not fine."
he cuts me off.

"why would it not be fine? it's hyunjin. he just says whatever is on his mind." i chuckle nervously, trying to fill the terrible silence with something.

"because he wasn't entirely wrong." my eyes widen at the implication of his words. i know i am definitely a brat to chan, but only because it's funny to see him riled up. that's just how our friendship works, it was nothing like what hyunjin suggested. i didn't have some weird kink of being put in my place. in fact, most of the time, i won our arguments, so it really wasn't like that. right?

"speak for yourself. he was wrong about me." i defend myself instantly. chan squints his eyes.

"was he? cause if i'm being honest, he read me like an open book." i gulp at his words. he's got to be joking.

"look— it's not like that for me. i genuinely just like to get on your nerves. that's how our friendship works." i tell him sternly.

"have you ever thought about why you like getting on my nerves so much?" he asks, his eyes swirling with an unreadable emotion.

"i— your reactions are funny. that's it." i shake my head.

"what if i told you why i like it when you get on my nerves?"

"whatever you say won't change anything for me." i look away from him, not entirely believing my own words.

"i like it because no matter how annoying you get, you always listen to me when i get serious with you." he tries to follow me gaze, keeping his eyes firmly locked onto me.

"that's not true. i win most of our arguments." i pout, crossing my arms over my chest. he only chuckles, shocking me as he grabs me by the chin, making me look into his eyes.

"because i let you."

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