chapter four

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rubber bands

ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! happy birthday to meeeee :)))
my present to you guys is updating my stories!! i know usually you get presents for your birthday rather than give, but to me YOU GUYS ARE MY PRESENT!!
ily guys so much <33 please enjoy my birthday updates!!

lee miyeon

i sat in the corner of the small practice room, my head against the wall as yawns constantly slipped passed my lips. chan and i stayed up all night working on the mix, and it wasn't easy to sleep on the long flight over. and now here they were, already rehearsing for the stage that took place in roughly two hours. i could see on all of their faces how exhausted they were.

"okay— you guys have got to get in sync." the manager scolds, all of them nodding absentmindedly. is he serious right now? they're clearly so exhausted they can't even think. "run it back." the manager yells, and the beginning of the five minute mix fills the room once again. everything was going well this time until hyunjin slid into seungmin, one of them forgetting that the choreography switches to a different song.

"ow— sorry!" hyunjin apologizes.

"are you kidding me?" the manager sneers. "run it back." he groans, glaring at the two boys. it was getting hard to hold my tongue. "chan— did you even play the mix for them before you got here?" he suddenly asks. chan looking up at him through tired eyes.

"what? i— i mean i didn't have much time, but yeah..." he nods.

"it doesn't seem like it." he grumbles.

"are you kidding me right now?" i couldn't help it anymore. all of the boys turned their heads towards me, eyes wide at my sudden outburst. "none of them got more than an hour or two of sleep, chan didn't get any sleep, and here they are, practicing to perform in two hours. can't you see they're exhausted?"

"miyeon..." chan warns.

"i mean jesus dude! if you wanted perfection you should have used your brain. perfection doesn't happen in less than two hours." i continue, despite chan's warning.

"and who's idea was it to bring you?" he glares at me.

"i'm failing to see how that matters." i retort.

"you're lucky you're even allowed in here. if you weren't felix's sister you wouldn't even be within ten feet of them."

"is that supposed to scare me? because-"

"miyeon." chan calls, more sternly this time. the look he was giving me sent chills down my back.

"keep her in check or i'll have her on the next flight to australia." the manager tells chan and felix.

"you can't do-"

"miyeon. stop talking." chan was suddenly right in front of me, guiding me back to sit on the small couch. he squats down in front of me. "i get that you're worried, but we're okay. he really can send you back to australia, so just hold your tongue for a little, okay?" he lowers his voice as he spoke.

"fine. but if he says something to you again about-"

"you will keep your mouth shut." he cuts me off, pointing a stern finger at me.

"no promises." i grit my teeth, rolling my eyes.

"what if i say please?" he cocks his head to the side. i groan.

"whatever." i wave him off. he smiles.

"thank you." he says, patting my leg before going back to join the group. all eyes were on me, unreadable expressions. just before i could question them, the mix played once more, echoing through the small practice room.


"oh my god! felix! i told you this was a bad idea!" i couldn't help it as i turned to yell at the manager once again, not staying to hear what else he had to stay as i run after the small bed that wheeled a passed out felix back stage. i quickly grab his hand in mine, taking in his exhausted form.

"he's okay, just passed out from exhaustion." one of the staff members tries to reassure me, but it does nothing of the sort.

"he shouldn't be pushed to this point." i grumble, not necessarily at the staff member, but i knew i was likely giving her a death glare. felix suddenly shifts, his eyes opening slightly as he looks at me.

"how was the stage?" he asks. i roll my eyes at him.

"you idiot." i don't even bother to answer the question, quickly helping him sit up as i hold a bottle of water to his lips. he takes it thankfully, sighing as the refreshing liquid entered his system.

"felix? oh— thank god." chan finally comes rushing in, sweat coating his exhausted body as he sighs in relief seeing felix up and talking.

"i'm alright, hyung." felix assures him, patting his back. "stay are going to be so worried..." he trails off. unfortunately, he had passed out just before the ending of the stage, all the lights were still on, everyone saw it.

"don't worry about that right now, the manager will take care of it." chan tells him.

"he better." i scoff. i couldn't help it. chan glances at me momentarily, seemingly deciding not to say anything as he looks back to felix.

"we'll go home right away. i told them to cancel the hotel reservation and just book a flight." chan says. "staff has already brought most of our things back to the airport, we just have to change and we can go." he explains.

"thank god." felix mumbles. slowly, all of the other boys started to file in, all smiling happily as they see that felix is okay.

"alright, everyone change, and let's get back to the airport. i'm ready to go home." chan announces. all of the boys mumble in agreement as they quickly start to strip of their clothes. i take that as my cue to step out for the moment, leaning against the wall outside of the room as i sigh. i was definitely tired too, obviously no where near as tired as them, but i was ready to get home. this trip had put unnecessary stress and strain on the boys when they were supposed to have a week off before jumping into comeback preparations.

i was used to their busy, overflowing schedule, but when something ruins their resting period, i couldn't help but get upset. they work so hard all of the time, it's insane that they can't even get proper rest in. felix assures me all the time that it's fine, but i had been wanting to snap at their manager for the longest time.

and being honest, it felt good to finally do it.

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