Chapter 50

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In the aftermath of the significant changes implemented by Lucius Malfoy in the wizarding world, a newfound era of peace and progress enveloped the magical community. The majority of wizards and witches embraced the positive transformations, relishing in the prosperity and harmony that had replaced the previous chaos.

However, not everyone was content with the paradigm shift. A small faction of die-hard Dumbledore supporters clung to their old ideologies, resisting the changes that promised a fairer and more inclusive society. Despite the evidence of progress and the betterment of the wizarding world, they clung to their entrenched beliefs.

The imprisonment of the remaining Dumbledore supporters sent a clear message: the wizarding world was moving forward, embracing equality, and leaving behind the divisive ideologies that had fueled conflict in the past. As the convicted individuals were held accountable for their actions, the majority of the magical community continued to support the progressive changes that promised a more inclusive and harmonious future.

 As the convicted individuals were held accountable for their actions, the majority of the magical community continued to support the progressive changes that promised a more inclusive and harmonious future

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The morning sun bathed the Malfoy Manor in a soft glow as Harry, Draco, Narcissa, Dahlia, and Pansy gathered for breakfast. Little did Draco know that this seemingly ordinary morning would become a momentous occasion in their lives.

As they sat around the elegant dining table, Harry's behaviour raised subtle hints that something unusual was afoot. He found himself craving more than the usual servings of pancakes, and his demand for extra maple syrup was a clue that he had carefully orchestrated with the help of Narcissa, Dahlia, and Pansy.

Draco, ever attentive to Harry's demeanour, couldn't help but notice the peculiarities. Concerned, he asked Harry if everything was alright, expecting a mundane explanation. However, Harry's response caught Draco completely off guard.

"I'm not used to eating for two," said Harry so nonchalantly that Draco almost didn't realize it at first.

The words hung in the air, and Draco's expression shifted from curiosity to stunned realization.

"Eating for two? What do you mean, Harry?"

A pregnant pause lingered in the air as Harry, with a twinkle in his eye, revealed the surprise he had been harbouring. The breakfast table became a stage for the unexpected announcement, and Harry, with a playful yet triumphant smile, dropped the bombshell.

"I mean, Draco, we're going to be parents!" said Harry, his voice trembling with anticipation.

Draco's eyes widened in sheer surprise, the news taking a moment to sink in. The room fell silent for a heartbeat before Draco's face erupted into an array of emotions—from shock to joy. Without missing a beat, Draco stood up, the chair scraping against the floor, and in an exuberant display of happiness, lifted Harry off his feet, twirling him around as if they were caught in a moment of pure magic.

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