Chapter 22

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Previously on Scars of the Past -
Draco chuckled, finding the irony in their conversation and the world's mysterious workings. "The universe works in such peculiar ways, doesn't it?" he mused.

Harry let out a yawn.

"I think sleep is getting irritated of us ignoring it. Might as well give into it, don't you think?" pointed out Draco

Harry nodded and emptied the contents of the vial in his hands.

The two of them climbed into Draco's inviting bed, the soft sheets cradling their bodies. Draco leaned in and planted a tender kiss on Harry's forehead.

"Goodnight, darling," Draco whispered. The words were the last Harry heard before succumbing to sleep's soothing embrace, his consciousness fading into a peaceful slumber.

Harry woke up as the sunlight shone from the binds in the window.

As Harry slowly emerged from his slumber, he became aware of the warmth enveloping him. Blinking his eyes open, he found himself snuggled against Draco's side. A contented smile graced Harry's lips as he relished the serene moment.

Draco, sensing Harry's awakening, gently removed himself from their embrace and slipped out of bed. With quiet and purposeful steps, he made his way to the en-suite bathroom. The sound of running water filled the air as Draco prepared a bath for Harry, knowing how much his lover enjoyed the soothing ritual.

Returning to the bedroom, Draco carefully scooped up Harry and bridal carried him effortlessly to the bathroom. Setting Harry down gently, Draco pointed out the various bath products and towels, ensuring his beloved had everything he needed.

"I'll give you some privacy," Draco murmured softly before leaving the room, allowing Harry to freshen himself up.

Harry blinked the sleep out of his eyes and followed Draco's instructions and prepared himself for a relaxing bath. The warm water embraced his body, washing away any lingering traces of sleepiness.

After his bath, Harry reached for the clothes that had been laid out for him—perfectly sized. The Malfoy manor had their cupboards always stocked and prepared. Still, he couldn't help but appreciate Draco's attention to detail.

Dressed in his newfound comfort, Harry stepped out of the bathroom, a sense of rejuvenation coursing through his veins. The sunlight streamed through the window blinds, casting a golden glow upon the room.

Draco, having taken the opportunity to freshen up while Harry bathed, greeted him with a gentle smile. "It's 7:45 now. Breakfast begins in 15 minutes," he informed Harry.

As they descended the stairs together, Harry noticed Draco leading him in a different direction than the dining room he had previously glimpsed—a spacious hall reminiscent of the one at Hogwarts, with its long, elegant wooden table. Curiosity piqued, Harry followed Draco through the manor and into the gardens that lay beyond.

Under the warm embrace of the sun, the gardens revealed a small dining table adorned with an array of delectable dishes. The inviting aroma of freshly prepared food filled the air, captivating Harry's senses.

Observing Harry's visible confusion, Draco explained, "It is tradition to always have breakfast in the garden."

As they approached the table, Harry spotted the adults already seated. Narcissa engaged in a discussion about the Daily Prophet with the Dark Lord, who occupied the head of the table. Bellatrix focused intently on her meal, spreading a pink-coloured jam on her toast, while Lucius casually petted a nearby peacock. Draco took his place next to his mother, and Harry, feeling a mix of anticipation and uncertainty, settled beside him.

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