Chapter 4

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Previously on Scars Of The Past -

"Well then, I suppose I should go now that my work here is done," said Bellatrix before pressing a kiss to Mattheo's forehead, wiping off the lipstick stain and disappearing into a puff of black smoke.

After all the board members had left, Mattheo walked out of Dumbledore's office, smirking at the look his headmaster gave him.

Walking into the hall, he was greeted by Draco and Dahlia who were holding letters in their hands.

"I didn't get expelled"

"Was that even a question? With my dad as the Head governor and Bellatrix Lestrange as your mother, you could murder anyone in here and they still won't expel you." Said Draco

"By the way, our inheritance letters came. Draco and I are going together tomorrow. Wanna tag along?" said Dahlia almost jumping from eagerness.

"Why not?" said Mattheo, drawing in his beautiful girlfriend for a kiss, internally rolling his eyes at Draco's wolf whistle. She looked beautiful every day but gods the whole room lightened up when she was excited.

"What is a creature inheritance?" a voice piped up from the table next to them, Hermione Granger.

"The great know-it-all golden girl of Gryffindor finally admits to not knowing something. Besides, it is a pureblood thing. You wouldn't need to know it anyway." said Draco

It was unlike Hermione to not know something but this sounded interesting and for the first time Harry was curious about it too, frowning at Draco's words. He was listening with rap attention though when Dahlia started to explain,

"You receive your creature inheritance on your 16th birthday. Your inheritance is as the name states what you inherit from your parents. The money, the estates, the properties and the no. of seats you have in your name in the wizengamot. The number of seats in the wizengamot is basically how much influence you have in the government. As Draco said, it is a pureblood thing since your parents were muggles, they would have no chance of getting a seat in the wizengamot and the properties under their name wouldn't be registered with Gringotts. For half-bloods, they get an inheritance too! As for what a creature inheritance is uh, how do I explain it? It basically tells you what creature you are. The ancient bloodlines, most of the time have creature blood in them. So if you are a creature like suppose a veela, then you start showing some signs really early on in your childhood and since, many of the times, these signs for different creatures are the same or confused with normal magical outbursts, Gringotts offers a blood test that confirms what creature you are. It also tells you whether you are dominant or submissive in a relationship and what creature your mate is. There are many types of creatures – Veela, werewolves, Nekos, Forest Lords, Fire Phoenixes, Demons, Vampires and so on... Creature Inheritances also inform you if you have any blocks, compulsions or glamours placed on you. Many pureblood families have old money so their children are usually in danger of being kidnapped for ransom. This is why Gringotts added this feature too!" explained Dahlia, drawing in a long breath afterwards.

"You should have gotten a letter from Gringotts and your magical guardian should have told you about it. Judging by the look on your face Potter, I'm guessing none happened. That is so weird, isn't it? It seems that Dumbledore is keeping secrets from you!" added Draco

Scars of the Past | A Drarry Story | A Mattheo Riddle StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat