Chapter 31

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Previously on Scars Of The Past -
In the tranquil room, with their foreheads touching, the two lovers revelled in the peace of their connection. It was a haven of love and mutual understanding, a refuge from the chaos of the world. As their breaths synced and their hearts beat as one, they knew that in each other's arms, they had found their forever.

Harry, still deeply relaxed, had succumbed to sleep, his breathing steady. Draco basked in the tranquillity of their embrace; their moment of intimate connection was interrupted by a soft knock on the bedroom door.

Draco leaned back, their foreheads parting, and looked towards the door. It creaked open, revealing Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa's voice rang out "Breakfast is ready, my dears," she called.

Narcissa took one look at the scene before her, Harry's peaceful expression as he lay nestled in Draco's arms, and Draco's fond, protective gaze. But she quickly noticed the flush on Harry's cheeks and the tell-tale signs that something was amiss. Her eyes widened in understanding, making a subtle 'O' with her mouth.

Draco turned to Narcissa, who had just entered the room, and whispered, "Harry's in heat, Mother."

She quickly left the room with a knowing smile, returning moments later with a tray bearing heat reliever potions and chocolates.

She gently placed the tray on the bedside table and whispered to Draco, "Make sure he takes one of these potions, dear. It'll help with the heat. And a bit of chocolate might lift his spirits."

As Harry began to stir from his slumber, Draco gently shook Harry's shoulder, whispering his name as he tried to rouse him.

"Harry, love, you should wake up," Draco urged softly, his fingers brushing through Harry's hair.

Harry's eyes fluttered open, confusion crossing his features as he adjusted to the waking world. He was met with the sight of Draco and his mother, Narcissa, who was holding a tray of potions and chocolates. Realization quickly dawned on him.

"Morning, Harry," Narcissa said with a warm smile. "We thought these might help you feel better."

Harry managed a weak smile in return, grateful for their care. He sat up, taking one of the heat reliever potions and sipping it slowly, feeling the soothing effects begin to spread through him. The taste was oddly pleasant, and he couldn't help but be surprised by how thoughtful they both were.

Draco, ever attentive, passed Harry a piece of chocolate. "A little treat to sweeten your day, my love."

As Harry nibbled on the chocolate, he looked between Draco and Narcissa, feeling a deep sense of gratitude for their support. "Thank you both"

Narcissa patted his hand gently. "We're here for you, dear. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything." She said, before leaving them to themselves.

Handing over the rest of the potions, Draco's touch was soothing, his fingers lingering for an extra moment.

After the medicine had been taken, Draco's embrace enveloped Harry, cocooning him in a protective shield against the heat.

In a tender shift of circumstances, Harry found himself seated on Draco's lap ONCE AGAIN. Their proximity was both intimate and comforting, a physical manifestation of the bond that united them. Draco's fingers brushed against Harry's cheek.

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