Chapter 41

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Previously on Scars of the Past -
Theodore, Pansy, Dahlia, Blaise, and even Mattheo couldn't help but chuckle at Draco's protective stance.

Draco sighed in exasperation, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The teasing banter continued as the pair finally sat down on the Slytherin table, but Draco, protective and defiant, kept Harry tucked securely under his wing, a silent reassurance that no matter the jests, their connection remained unyielding.

As they sat down, the Great Hall echoed with laughter, and Draco and Harry found themselves surrounded by the echoes of their morning escapades.

The reactions to the visible marks on Harry's neck varied among the Hogwarts staff. Snape, with a knowing smirk, and Remus, equally amused, exchanged glances that spoke of a shared understanding. Flitwick, lost in his own thoughts, failed to notice the marks, and Hagrid, focused on his meal, paid them no mind. McGonagall, however, gasped in mild disappointment, her stern expression betraying a hint of disapproval. The rest of the teachers remained indifferent to the subtle signs of Draco and Harry's intimate morning.

Ron and Hermione, sitting a few seats away, noticed the marks on Harry's neck. Convinced that Draco was mistreating Harry, they decided to take their concerns directly to Dumbledore.

In Dumbledore's office, the atmosphere shifted as Ron and Hermione spilt their worries about potential abuse. Dumbledore, seemingly concerned, called Harry in for an inquiry.

"Harry, my boy," Dumbledore began, "I've heard some troubling concerns about your well-being. Can you please share the truth with me? Has Draco forced you into anything?"

Internally amused, Harry smirked. "Professor, those are just love bites. In fact, I think I've left more on him than he has on me."

The revelation left Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore dumbfounded. Their mouths hung open in disbelief. Dumbledore, recovering quickly, cleared his throat. "Well, my dear boy, we must consider the rules of the school. Such activities are not allowed on school grounds, and I may have to take measures to address this matter and have you change your rooms."

Draco, seizing the opportunity, raised an eyebrow. "Professor Dumbledore, it's illegal to separate two mates. The Ministry allows us the right to proceed with our mating rituals, even during school."

Dumbledore, caught off guard, faltered for a moment. "Well, I... I suppose we can discuss this matter further and find a suitable solution."

Draco, satisfied with his defence, smirked, and Harry couldn't help but chuckle at the turn of events. Meanwhile, the Hogwarts staff continued with their day, indifferent to the drama unfolding among the students.

 Meanwhile, the Hogwarts staff continued with their day, indifferent to the drama unfolding among the students

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