Drama drama

4 0 0

January 29th, 1984
Curtis house

Dallas POV:
I miss Naomi. It feels like we haven't spent one night without eachother since we started dating.

I sat with two-bit at the kitchen table. I tapped a pen repeatedly between my two fingers and rested my head in my hand.

The whole gang found out..probably because Johnny was scared and forced to tell the gang. It probably went something like this..


"Johnny you need to tell us!! What's wrong with dal and what did he talk to you about?!" Steve said.

"Yeah man tell us..!" Pony added.

"I really shouldn't-"

"Johnny Cade!!" Soda yelled.

"Fine, fine..I'll tell you.."

So yeah I feel incredibly bad, and stupid. And it's worse because she's leaving in about a week now..so I won't see her until September.

I'm just going to apologize and hope she forgives me..

I put the pen down and got up quickly, ignoring two-bits repeatedly asked questions. I walked out quickly and lit a cigarette as I walked. Her house was only four blocks away. Which was fine walk when it wasn't 20 degrees outside..but when it is it's horrible.

I walked quicker to try and warm up and get there quicker but it's so damn hard to do when the icy cold air cuts at your skin like needles.

"Jesus H." I mutter as I throw my cigarette down in a snow pile. I eventually made it after what felt like decades..I knocked on her door hesitantly.


Leon opened it. He had a bruise on his left eye and a cut on his eyebrow.

"What do you want Winston?" He asked coldly.

"I need to talk with Naomi."

"Hm.." he grumbled. He opens the door and I walk in.

"Who's here-" Naomi starts as she sits on her kitchen counter before turning her head to me. Her eyes narrowed and she seemed pissed.

Leon leaned against the wall near the door, obviously wanting me to leave.

"What Dallas?" She said sternly.
Naomi POV.
I haven't told my brother about the incident. In fact, I don't even want him to know, because he would beat Dallas..or attempt to I should say.

But it's kind of hard to hide your emotions when you've just been hurt like that. So he knows something's up, and he knows it's Dallas.

We both were in the kitchen. He was making something for dinner. Even though he can be a total jackass sometimes he's still my brother, and he's still sweet, sometimes.

"I know something's wrong..tell me."

"It's nothing really."

"Yes it is now tell m-" he was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Hold up.." he walked over and he instantly went cold once he opened the door. I turned back to watch the oven so the food wouldn't burn. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but the conversation didn't last long. I turned my head to ask who it was.

"Who's here-" my heart sank once again when I saw him.

Speak of the devil.

My eyes went cold and I gave him a stern look..he looked uncomfortable as it is, probably knowing we both are not fond of him at the moment.

"What Dallas?"

•over time•   {Dallas Winston}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant