Sincerely, Naomi.

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December 25, 1983
Curtis house

Dallas POV:
Naomi told me she would be here at 9:00am to open presents, it's 9:30. I told the gang to keep waiting and that maybe she's just getting ready.

"We can't wait forever dal'.." Horse girl said, stepping outside on the front porch where I was.

"She's coming, I know it." Just then the mailman pulled in and shoved mail in the mailbox. I didn't pay any attention to him but pony man did. He walked down and grabbed the mail. He then handed one to me.

"What's this?"

"The president of the United States." He said sarcastically before walking inside. I looked down at it and seemed confused.

"To Dallas Winston."

What on earth?

I opened it and seemed even more confused.

"To Dallas Winston.
     Hey! Sorry I can't make it today for Christmas, but don't worry, I still got you something. I'm sorry I never told you about my father but I will now. My father was a naval aviator in Top Gun. He flew with me and taught me how to fly when I was 10...The first plane we flew together was a mig-29. I always wondered what the name of my dad's work was and now I finally found out. It's a funny story actually, my dad had took me on a plane ride when I was 8 and the engines gave out and we had to eject in the mountains. It's took hours for people to find us and get us home. I had to be taken to the hospital though, because I hit the canopy pretty hard when I ejected. My dad wasn't aloud to fly for 6 months and I was never allowed back to Top Gun...but here I am now! Top Gun found me and asked me to join, they said my father was a great man. I agreed. Sadly my father died in a plane crash, he was shot down unexpectedly and fell into the ocean. But I was sent to Top Gun to go against the Soviet Union. Don't start crying now, I will be back I swear, you know I keep my promises. I should be back in 3 weeks, count the days dally. Oh and one last thing, my presents to you and the rest of the gang are in my bedroom closet. There in a big red box. Don't forget that I love you and the gang very much.

P.S—Listen to my Billy idol record for me while I'm gone, ok?

      Sincerely, Naomi.

It took me a second to realize what I had just read. Actually it took me hours on end to comprehend what the hell I read. I continued to read this letter over and over again until my brain couldn't handle the amount of plane information I had gotten.

I grew a pair and decided to walk over to her house, we'll run over I should say. No one was home (like always) so I just ran in. I stole a beer from her fridge and walked up to her room. I searched her closet and eventually found the red box she was talking about. I opened it and searched for mine first. I smiled as I picked up my letter and saw two mints, a free meal gift card to the dingo, and a picture we took on ponyboys Polaroid when we first meant taped to the front. Jesus I'm gonna kill her.

Dear dally, (again)

If you are reading this you either got my 1st letter or are being nosy, if you are being nosy put this damn letter down and put the box back where you found it. But if not keep reading..

Honestly are my best friend I've ever had and you are closer to me than you could possibly all ways. But I have something to confess, I like you. A lot. If you don't like me back I understand and I give you full permission to laugh your ass off once I get back. Don't forget to give this box to the others, there's one for everyone..yes even Steve.

Love, Naomi. (Once again)

•over time•   {Dallas Winston}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora