Take my breath away

31 0 0

Continuing from last chapter..

Dallas fucking Winston. Jesus Christ he looked good.

Wait what?

"Hey.." he said quietly.

"Hi.." it was awkward. Very awkward.

I opened the door for him to come in and he did.

"I'm uh..sorry about the other night..I was bitchy and lashed out of you." I forgot how thick his new your accent was.

"It's alright.." I said leaning against the counter.

"Are we alright then..?" I smiled.

"Yeah we're alright." I nodded and he smiled.

"Ok well..I guess I'll see you later." He walked out the door again..

I then felt something weird in my chest..like a warm feeling. I tried to stop it like I had the other times I was around him, but it wouldn't work. It then hit me like a big ass overweight yellow school bus that just ate thanksgiving.

I liked Dallas Winston.

No I didn't like him, I loved him.

Holy shit I loved him.

Without thinking I ran after him.

"Dally wait!" He stopped walking and turned around.


I ran up to him and grabbed his face, and kissed him. He was shocked at first but kissed me back. His hands snaked around my waist and he leaned me against my brother's car. I got butterflies in my stomach and our small one kiss I had intended turned into a make out session. A make out session, outside, in public, visible to the naked human eye to whoever was around the perimeter. He pulled away slowly and looked into my eyes. He smirked.

"See ya around Davis.." he lit a cigarette as he walked away. I stayed leaned up against the car in shock. My face was red and my jaw was dropped.


(Sorry this chapter is short!)

•over time•   {Dallas Winston}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat