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-December 8th, 1983-
7:45 am

"Damnit it's cold.."

My brother said with a grunt as we walked through the snow, our school bags over our shoulder. My brother is named Leon Tucker Davis, and I do really love him with all my heart..even if we are nothing alike. He says he wishes for a brother and not me but I know deep down he doesn't feel that way. He makes me smile and is there for me, most of the times.

I smirked at his comment


I replied with a grin on my face as I turned my head to see a reaction out of him, which I did receive.

"Shut your mouth Naomi.."

He said with a scoff and a slight hit to my shoulder.

I chuckled lightly to myself and turned my head back to look at a group of richer kids in front of us, also known as Socs. Here in Oklahoma there are two groups: Socs and greasers. (Pronounced So-SHEH-s..not socks..) It's pretty straightforward, greasers are the north side of town and are mostly poor and live in houses that could fall apart if you breathe too hard. Meanwhile Socs live in nice houses and usually have cars as well.

Me and the rest of my family, including my mom, stepdad, brother, and me all just moved here about a week ago and are just now starting school. I'm in 11th grade and so is my brother. I think I should also add that I never liked this town. Tulsa isn't a good place to live nor grow up in. There's fights around every corner and stealing and bars..the list technically never ends. There's also gangs. Mostly greasers have gangs though, socs are more of the 'one man for themselves' stereo type.

I was walking with my thoughts and didn't even realize my brother was now In front of me and entering the school doors.


I jogged slightly to catch up with him, but my attempt failed. I walked through the doors and he was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and shoved my hands in my jean pockets. I then remembered that I had a sheet of my classes and locker number.


Where on earth could 92 be? I'm only in the 20-40 range. Ugh I already hate this.

"Are you new?"

I jumped around, obviously startled.


I said quietly as I glanced down at my paper.

How old is this kid? He looks no older than 13..? Whatever.

"My names Ponyboy...nice to meet you."

I shook his hand and smirked at his name

"Naomi. And uhm- could you show me where locker 92 is by a chance?"

"Yeah of course, follow me."

I got plenty of stares and comments as I followed this pony person down the hallway. I didn't really know if they were good or bad, but it doesn't really matter.

"Here we are.."

he says with a faint smile


pony person walks away and I starts grabbing a couple of books in my locker. Just then a random guy came up to me. He had greasy hair and a Mickey shirt on.

"Where's your grease man?"

He said making himself crack up. I didn't answer.

"Ya new here?"

I closed my locker and looked at him.


I said bluntly.

"Well you better be careful around here's crazy."

"I've noticed."

"You dig okay.."

He smirked and continued.

"So what side of the tracks are ya on?"

I cocked my head

"Are you a grease or a Soc?"

I shrug.

"I would say greaser..maybe. I live on the north side and I don't wear fancy clothes. But I'm not broke."

" should come hang out sometime."

"And you mean that how?"

"I mean with me and the rest of my gang. We're going to a drive in tonight. We should meet there the gang would like ya."

I nod

"Alright..see ya around..."


"See ya around Naomi. I'm two-bit by the way..!"

Who names there kid two-bit? Did his mother not love him or something? Huh..

•over time•   {Dallas Winston}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ