The brightest star

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January 2nd, 1984
Downtown Tulsa

Me and dally walked down the street. It was snowing slightly but I was supposed to get worse tonight. He lit a cigarette and offered me one, I rejected.

"I'm gonna slow down on the smoking since, you know, I uh fly planes.."

"Alrighty then."

We were quiet for a moment.

"I missed this." He said suddenly.

" too."

"Too bad it can't last forever." I nod.

"When are you going back?" He added.

"In a week."

"Hm." There was quiet music playing in the shop we walked past. I then felt his hand grab mine, I turned my head and he kept his foward, like this was normal. Well I mean we did kiss and all though..

"Naomi...?" He said quietly, throwing his cigar on the ground.


"I have something to confess."

"Oh lord." We both chuckled.

"I uhm..I think I lo-" just the a guy in black and a bag of money on his hand sprinted out of the door in front of us. Holy shit a robber?!

"Hey!!" I ran after him and dally was close behind. I chased him to an open field and tackled him, little did I know he had any gun. I heard a click, and then a loud bang.

I put my hand on my stomach and he pushed me off of him and ran. I looked at my dimly let hand and saw a deep red. It felt like I just got stabbed by a thousand knifes and hit by an 18 wheeler.

"Shit Naomi!!" Dally yelled through gritted teeth. I laid on the ground and stared at the stars, gripping my stomach.

"Hold on I'll call help..!" He looked around frantically for a phone booth.

"Dally-" I mumbled.

"What did ya say..?" He asked, converting his attention to me and coming close.

"You may be the only one looking at the stars at bucks.."

"Don't say that. I can't listen to it man.." his voice got shaky. He looked confused as I stared chuckling.

"You're never getting your jacket back Winston.." he laughed, and then starting sobbing. He laid next to me, just like we did at bucks. We stared at the stars.

"Will you be up there?" He asked me.

"You bet your ass I will be."

"You'll be the brightest one." He said through tears. I smiled softly as my vision started fading out, next thing I saw was black.

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