christmas special :3

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Hualian + Fengqing + Beefleaf = Christmas Shenanigans

       + Modern Au, Roomate Au


Scene One: Decorating the tree!


He Xuan and Mu Qing stood back together, watching as the others dragged a literal pine tree through the front door— or at least tried to, losing many branches and pine needles as it bashed against the doorframe until it slipped through.

Feng Xin looked miserable as he hauled the tree through the door, he had been begged to help them with finding a tree. The second they got through the front door he dropped it and collapsed on the couch; "Christmas sucks."

"I agree." Mu Qing and He Xuan replied immediately,

Shi Qingxuan however would not stand for this slander; "Quit it, Grinch Trio. Christmas is amazing! It's the season of kisses, shopping, and most important... giving!" 

"'Giving' you say? Like your older brother giving you the new Flower Knows collection? Like your brother giving you the Miu Miu winter collection? The season of giving?" 

Shi Qingxuan lightly hit He Xuan over the head; "He's trying his best! And it still counts as giving. He gives me a present, and I... give him a card. Homemade, with lots of love," 

"Quit yapping, cakesniffers. And help us get this tree inside." Hua Cheng snapped as he and Xie Lian pulled the tree the rest of the way in. Begrudgingly, Mu Qing and Feng Xin got up and went over to help.

Once they had found a suitable place by the tv, they started to find Christmas decorations. 

Hua Cheng's poor little half-brother, Yin Yu was stuck sweeping up the pine needles and snow that had been tracked inside from the effort of bringing a Christmas tree.

Shi Qingxuan was way more excited than the others about decorating the Christmas tree, madly flinging tinsel over the branches and yelling at everyone; "Keep it in the color scheme! Feng Xin! Blue and Yellow aren't the colors we're going for! White and red!" 

He Xuan took great pleasure in purposely messing up the color scheme from time to time. 

Feng Xin and Mu Qing had made ornaments of each other— specifically unflattering 0.5 pictures, but since they both had the idea it simply looked like they got matching ornaments, like two newlyweds who were in their honeymoon phase.

Hua Cheng wouldn't stop saying how the decorating looked crappy, at least until Xie Lian started decorating. Then he was some kind of a superfan. (He still made fun of how Mu Qing was decorating though).

Once they were finished, Hua Cheng gave Xie Lian a small boost so he could place the silver star at the very top of the tree. 

"It looks... good..." He Xuan muttered as he looked up at the tree, 

Shi Qingxuan simply beamed; "I told you that it would look good! You need to listen to me more, Ming-xiong." 

Hua Cheng smiled and planted a quick kiss on Xie Lian's cheek; "Gege did so good with decorating! These dumbasses wouldn't have been able to do it without him..." 

Xie Lian chuckled and shook his head; "That's not true..." 

Mu Qing was nitpicking the parts that Feng Xin had done as the other watched with a slightly twitching eye, although it quickly melted into a small smile as he watched Mu Qing go on complaining... it was kind of cute how much he cared about the stupid old tree.

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