See You on the Other Side !

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Hey! I found the idea again it's kind of based on a comic I saw and it's supposed to be really cute so enjoy! By the way, both of them d1e in this so mentions of death and stuff.

"General Xuan Zhen's last believer is about to leave this world!" Heavenly Officials prepared a send-off for Mu Qing and his believer frantically. Mu Qing had lived his time on earth but during his time as a heavenly official he had constantly talked about how he wouldn't leave this world without a fight and he would never die unless it was in battles, now when he thought back on those words he wondered what other foolish things he sprouted in his youth. 

"Before I take my final bow may I see... maybe I could see my believer?" Mu Qing asked the officials who were taking care of him. "General Xuan Zhen... technically it's against the rules for gods to see their believers officially... but seeing as it's your last wish we will see it through." A few minutes later they brought an old woman sick and on her last limbs in a wheelchair to his bedside. "My dear god, it is my greatest *Cough* honor to be before you, regrettably while I'm dying but no matter." She smiled softly while bowing her head in respect. "It's fine spare the pleasantries, I would like to ask you do you have any children left in this world?" He managed a smile which was unusual for Mu Qing. "Oh... my children are rather distant, the new generation doesn't really follow parents anymore... instead I believe they worship some crown prince of Xianle... a destroyed nation yes but he prospers..." Mu Qing smiled. "Ah, an old friend of mine... I shall ask him to take care of them well... but for now, let us rest..." He closed his eyes and had his attendants bring her where she wanted to rest for eternity and he simply left...

The officials near him later informed Xie Lian and Hua Cheng and most of who Mu Qing was close with came to the sight of his funeral. Although he had been 'afraid' or 'unfearing' of death, whichever of the two, most wondered when walking past his coffin floating through flowers in the water. "Why didn't he hesitate, in fact, why did he go to meet death himself, 'let us rest' bullshit!" It was more expected of him to just scream his head off before his believer died. 

Xie Lian went to make a speech just like he had at the last funeral. "You must all be wondering about General Xuan Zhen's behavior in his last moments before passing... I believe this is because he has a certain special someone waiting for him on the other side... he didn't want to keep them waiting after 5 years..." General Xuan Zhen had a wife? Many officials started whispering to one another... "Wait" someone from the audience perked up. "Wasn't it General Nan Yang's funeral about 5 years ago?" Were the generals gay? Didn't Feng Xin have a child? Why would he be unfaithful... then again his wife did run away and Feng Xin was close to Mu Qing on an unknown level. 

"Your suspicions are correct. But for now, anyone who doesn't approve can leave, and let's continue." Xie Lian finished his speech and was greeted by sad applause. But while they were grieving on top of a mountain in a different kind of world where dead heavenly officials and ghosts resided someone was waiting. 

In this so-called world, many of the officials from throughout the events of Xie Lian's third ascension were gathered. Shi Wudu had a palace and he was often seen walking around in expensive robes attempting to cover a scar on his neck, the Green Ghost, Qi Rong was often seen cussing out the dead heavenly officials... They lived together in mixed harmony. But Mu Qing didn't care about them, the only reason he was running through the crowds who were going up the mountain to see which official died was to figure out whether someone in the crowd was him... 

"Why hello there? Taking a run." Looking at him, right before him... stood Feng Xin softly smiling. "Took you long enough." Mu Qing snapped out of his phase of happiness. "What? To die?" He was gravely insulted and made a dramatic face. "Aha. You know what I meant..." When their lips touched it felt like a spark went off in him that was snuffed out the day he saw Feng Xin dead on the battlefield... It was a soft and short-lived kiss. "This is all I get... you know if you hadn't gone and gotten killed." Tears started to build up in Mu Qing's eyes but all he did was bury his head into the crook of Feng Xin's neck and sob. "It's okay I'm here... Let's go... I had a palace for us arranged... as far away from prince Xiao Jing as we could get it." He chuckled.

And they both walked off to enjoy their new life... many hundreds of years later they were joined by some old faces, such as Quan Yizhen... but he spent the rest of his afterlife with Yin Yu to his dismay... but after watching Yin Yu have his blood sucked out and pretty much being traumatized he simply let Quan Yizhen follow him around like a lost puppy. You could constantly hear them bickering. "Yizhen! Don't steal!" and stuff of the sort.

But overall everyone was happy... and then what felt like an eternity later Hua Cheng and Xie Lian came by together... Hua Cheng was paraded through the streets by the dead ghosts to his and Xie Lian's annoyance. "Chengzhu! Chenzhu's back! Get a feast ready Chengzhu's here!" All they could do was groan though. 

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