Moving : Fengqing and Hualian Dorm Life (Part 2) !

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Damm that title was a mouth full enjoy the story! Sorry I didn't update sooner :C 


Who knows how they were doing right now... Of course, the last time they had officially met Qi Rong got his arm broken. "Let's go in the water guys!" Shi Qingxuan cheerfully said to brighten up the mood, it was somewhat ruined by the essence of Qi Rong in the air. "Okay! Let's go change." After everyone was ready they all jumped into the water.

Shi Qingxuan canon balled in while screaming at the top of their lungs while He Xuan watched and tried to carefully bring a burger in with him to snack on. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian stayed in the deep end chatting leisurely while Shi Qingxuan splashed water on her emo friend's burger as He Xuan watched in horror. 

Feng Xin hadn't said a word though and just held a shit-eating grin on his face while looking at Mu Qing. "If you keep smiling like that at me you're going to get wrinkles on that ugly face." Just as Mu Qing leaned in to kiss him Feng Xin bear tackled him. While choking on water Mu Qing screamed. "Wh-What the Fu" All of a sudden he was on Feng Xin's shoulders. "Okay bitch boy there's a water gun right there and Hua Cheng in the deep end putting the moves on Xie Lian. Why don't we... help him out?" Mu Qing instantly understood and they dove toward the little bright purple water gun.

Meanwhile... (lmao we <3 spongebob)  

"San Lang's so evil, won't even let me buy a rabbit for the dorm." Xie Lian pouted. "Don't be like that gege it's hardly my fault the school doesn't allow rabbits." He smiled softly at Xie Lian's sad little face. "Okay then if I can't have a rabbit can I have a kiss?" Xie Lian poked his cheek, and after a year of dating, he finally figured out how to flirt but rather than flustering Hua Cheng he flustered himself. "Of course, ge-" Hua Cheng and Xie Lian then and there got whacked in the back by another water gun. "Hands off one eye." Mu Qing laughed as he screamed. "Oh, you guys are dead!" Xie Lian jumped onto Hua Cheng's back without warning and grabbed the water gun out of the water. 

A few minutes went by with them spraying water at each other with laughs from Mu Qing and Xie Lian as well as groans from Hua Cheng and Feng Xin whose shoulders were starting to tire from two grown men sitting on them. But Hua Cheng hardly complained and just wore a smile on his face, Feng Xin... well he tried his best before he and Mu Qing both fell back into the water.

Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan arrived just in time to see the victory, and somehow He Xuan had acquired a Slurpee while walking through the water sometimes they felt like he was a fish out of water. Everything kind of just came to him when he was in the ocean. (Wonder why?) Shi Qingxuan walked over happy with their phone in hand. "Qingxuan that's dangerous you could electrocute us." He Xuan lectured with a small smile. "Eh, whatever carp." He snickered at the nickname before continuing. "My brother and his roommates are having a party wanna come?" Hua Cheng rolled his eyes when Shi Qingxuan said, roommates. "They're like tumors growing on my brain but if gege goes I'll happily come along." Everyone agreed to meet up at 7.30 to head to the other dorm and then got out of the water. 

At 7.30 they all met up outside Shi Qingxuan and He Xuan's room. They were greeted by a friendly scratch from Shi Qingxuan's cat before everyone was ready to go. He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan were wearing matching turtlenecks and a skirt for Shi Qingxuan as well as long black bootcuts for He Xuan. Hua Cheng wore a red and black sweater with long pants and boots with necklaces and anklets all over him, Xie Lian went for a simpler white sweater and beige pants while Feng Xin and Mu Qing wore jeans and sweaters. Everyone was overall looking glamorous. 

"Hey ge! We made it!" Shi Qingxuan ran up to hug their brother and was greeted by an awkward pat on the back. "That's great. Ling Wen and Pei Ming are serving some dinner if you're hungry and the mini bar is in the back enjoy." He plainly said before walking back to where his friends were awkwardly but happily chatting with each other while passing out plates of food. 

Yin Yu, (In modern Au stories he's just gonna be Hua Cheng's little brother cause I can't do him dirty like that to be a servant in the 21st century ;-;) Was awkwardly standing in the corner and trying his best not to snap at his friend Quan Yizhen's remarks. It seemed like everyone showed up to the party. Even Lang Qianqiu had shown up. The night simply flew by and it ended with Hua Cheng having to carry Xie Lian back to the dorm, he really couldn't handle his alcohol. He Xuan had to slump on Shi Qingxuan because of how full he was and Feng Xin and Mu Qing laughed at their friend's states. 

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