Liquid Smooth

380 13 20

Tw. Double Suicide,


Summary: After being alive for so long, Mu Qing has lost all hope in continuing to live. Although he has expressed it before, Feng Xin and Xie Lian are very concerned by his suicidal tendencies and Feng Xin constantly scolds him about it- but one day while joking around about it, an unexpected change in events occurs. 


Mu Qing, Xie Lian, and Feng Xin sat around a stone table in Puqi shrine, on this occasion, Hua Cheng was out attending to business in Ghost City so it was just the original Xianle trio, settling down together for a cup of tea. 

Xie Lian inhaled the calming scent of brewing tea before smiling softly and turning to the other two; "So, how have things been going for you two in the heavenly capital?" Since Jun Wu's defeat, Xie Lian started living a life similar to the one of the rain master. He rarely visited the heavenly capital and attended to his life as a heavenly official from the comfort of Paradise Manor or Puqi Shrine. "Not so bad, when this idiot stops trying to get himself killed it would get much better." Feng Xin rolled his eyes as Xie Lian sighed, "Mu Qing, you should start to appreciate your life, is there more you could ask for?" He smiled as he looked around at the beautiful scenery. "The same old view gets boring after 1000 years." Mu Qing replied.

Feng Xin's brows furrowed; "I thought you were famously scared of death? I honestly would prefer that at this moment." To Mu Qing, it was more likely for Xie Lian to be rude to a young beggar than Feng Xin caring about his dying. "Yeah, sure whatever." 

After an hour of talking and Feng Xin making small jabs at trying to push Mu Qing away from his little game of tag with death, they said their goodbyes and left for the heavenly capital. 


"Mu Qing..." 


"I know I was being... harsh... back there..." 

"Ok? Whatever." 

"But... I'm serious... I really don't know what I would do if you killed yourself..." 


"Honestly I don't think I could handle being stuck alone till I die naturally-"

"How natural can a death be when you're immortal though." 

"Heh... I suppose you're correct, after living so long you are correct- his highness has seen many beauties and horrors of the world which has shown him the serenity of it all we- you were not as fortunate I suppose..." 


Mu Qing fell silent once again, Feng Xin did make a decent point with his stupid 'beauties and horrors' speech. He had seen a lot in his time, but in his experiences where there were horrors they were extreme and beauties came so rarely that he took it with a grain of salt rather than embracing it to the full. 

"Feng Xin... how would you feel about dying alone..." He mumbled softly, after saying it he realized how stupid it sounded and pleaded with himself that Feng Xin hadn't heard it, but luck was never on his side anymore; "Hm...? Well, I suppose because my so-called 'wife' ran off a while ago it's inevitable for me. It seems somewhat sad..." Feng Xin mumbled before turning to Mu Qing "Well then, how about you? Considering your current state if you don't want to die alone you might want to find a wife before you go killing yourself." He chuckled but was waiting for an answer. 

"... due to my cultivation, as you know, I cannot engage in... intimate activities. So I am avoiding it altogether, dying alone is the only real option for me." Mu Qing replied. "Well if you're going to die then why bother with continuing to cultivate? I don't think a pure body is required of a ghost- then again you probably would not become one." Mu Qing smiled softly, "I suppose that is true. Well, then what about you? How about you become my 'wife'?" Feng Xin chuckled; "Good joke." Mu Qing's face became serious and he clutched onto Feng Xin's arm. "No, seriously. I mean... you could join me in a double suicide...?" 

Mu Qing was already prepared for the lecture he would receive but instead, Feng Xin only sighed; "Okay. I said it myself, I wouldn't know what to do if you killed yourself... at least this way I would be able to continue on with you." Mu Qing's eyes widened "Really?!" 

He immediately grabbed Feng Xin's hand and hurriedly brought him into his palace and up to the highest room, his chambers and armory. "Woah! Slow down!" Feng Xin cried as Mu Qing rushed into the armory. "Don't you wanna like... make a note or something?" He asked as Mu Qing picked out a sword. "Hm... are you supposed to?" 

Feng Xin grabbed a blank scroll and set it down in front of Mu Qing and spoke; "I'll dictate and you write, ok? Ok. Ahem... We, General Xuan Zhen and General Nan Yang have traveled through this land for many years and we have watched different gods and goddesses rise and fall from fame. Now it is our turn, we have decided to throw ourselves down together. This is our last goodbye."  Feng Xin spoke with gusto but Mu Qing chuckled as he rolled it up and set it on the ground in front of them; "Not a goodbye at all, rather a resignment." 

Mu Qing picked up a long saber and held it in front of him and Feng Xin. "Are... are you ready?" Feng Xin smiled sadly; "Not at all, let's do it."  Mu Qing closed the distance between them as Feng Xin wrapped his arms around his waist while the saber impaled him. A drop of blood slipped from his mouth as the saber struck his stomach. 

Mu Qing looked down at Feng Xin who was still softly smiling, he watched as Feng Xin held the saber to his own stomach and quickly impaled him so as to not cause any pain. He sighed as he spoke softly as if blood was pooling in his throat; "Well I suppose this goodbye for now Mu Qing?" He chuckled while softly brushing his hands through his hair; "Not yet, Feng Xin... we will meet again on the other side... I just hope we made the right decision..." He whispered as he watched Feng Xin fall to the ground, unresponsive.

He kneeled down next to him and watched as both their blood pooled around them, and as he sighed once more, a final exhale, he collapsed right beside Feng Xin, using his final energy to softly clutch the other's hand. "I love you..." 


"It was 7.43 when General Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen were found, dead in General Xuan Zhen's armory. We presume the cause of death was suicide of some kind. We offer our condolences to those close to the Generals, we know they are in a better place now."

Ling Wen announced to the heavenly capital as Xie Lian and Hua Cheng quietly stood behind her, normally Hua Cheng would've used any opportunity where he was in the heavenly realm to cause havoc, but this time he wore a frown and simply rested a hand on Xie Lian's waist as the other sobbed into his shoulder. 


Feng Xin sat on a hill, beneath a tree with leaves similar to the colors of the sunset. As he looked closer he saw the initials 'M+F' engraved in the trunk, this was the same tree from the gardens of the palace in Xianle. As memories rushed back he smiled softly while tracing his finger over the rough initials. 

Mu Qing had his head rested in his lap, softly sleeping, they had woken up here together a few years ago and although they would forever miss his highness and all their friends, just staying together in the afterlife was enough.

And similarly, they would wait for the others to join them. 


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