All of Me

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I would like to apologize for the last chapter I wrote, I am very very sorry, and here is some fluff. A short part though! 


The four of them sat around the stone table at Puqi Shrine, Hua Cheng had brought out some food, and Mu Qing refused to eat anything prepared in the shrine out of fear that Xie Lian might've played a part in making the food- he and Hua Cheng got into a debate on the food.

Xie Lian was hopelessly trying to calm them down by holding Hua Cheng back from pulling 33 gods on Mu Qing. Mu Qing was simply taunting the ghost king by using his smart mouth. 

As Feng Xin watched Mu Qing smirk as he yelled profanities at the infamous ghost king he couldn't imagine what was going through his mind. "Your absolutely crazy." He chuckled as he watched Mu Qing scream although it seemed that even in his little tantrum he heard that; "The fuck did you say to me?" As if Mu Qing had drawn him in he quickly kicked him out. "After so many years you're starting to pick up Feng Xin's vast vocabulary of curses." Xie Lian sighed.

In the end, Hua Cheng shot back with the most jaw-dropping line ever which quickly shut Mu Qing up. He just stood there, speechless. "Pft- okay you guys had your fun. Let's go." Feng Xin smiled as he started dragging Mu Qing away- who still had his mouth agape and his hands supporting the back of his head with his eyes widened. (That's crazy >:OOO) 

"For what it's worth, you def' should've won that argument." Feng Xin laughed as Mu Qing complained to himself about Hua Cheng using dirty and underhanded tricks. 


Jk I'm not sorry LMAOOOO

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