Sick Day !

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Feng Xin woke up to a heavy weight on his chest. As he went to push Mu Qing off him he realized Mu Qing wasn't even there. He was walking into the room with a doctor and some breakfast. "This is sweet Qing-er but I have to go on patrol." He smiled without realizing he was about to pass out from sickness. "Oh no, you aren't! Have you even checked your temperature?" He said tossing over a thermometer. "Shit..." Feng Xin mumbled after looking at the results. "I'm taking care of you today." He said. "Quan Yizhen and Dianxia said they would help out with your patrol so back to bed mister." As he said that he pushed Feng Xin back onto the pillow and asked the doctor to see what was the problem. "Your husband simply has the flu he should be better sooner or later." Mu Qing thanked the doctor and once they left he got to work. 

"First things first! We're getting you some tea." He poured a hot cup of green tea and raised it to Feng Xin's lips. "Mu Qing what about your duties...?" He said he worried that Mu Qing would get in trouble. "It's fine his highness said that Hua Chengzhu and he would sort it out since they have a lot of free time." He smiled, since he hadn't had many experiences with sickness for about 800 years he just had to go off what he could remember. 

"Come over let's cuddle." Feng Xin ordered. Pulling open the blanket to coax Mu Qing in. "No, your sick." He said before leaving the room again to get him a hot towel. 

After they ate lunch, Feng Xin, once again said. "Come over let's cuddle." Mu Qing answered all the same. "I already told you your sick. It might give me your sickness or make you even worse just focus on getting better." Feng Xin frowned at this answer. 

The next time Mu Qing left he went to get some more medicine but when he came back the door was locked. "A-xin I know you might be mad but we can't cuddle when you're sick." He tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Did Feng Xin really lock him out of his own chambers? "Feng Xin open the door or I'm leaving." It still wouldn't budge. After some frustration built up, he simply blew it open using his spiritual energy. 

Feng Xin rolled his eyes and turned away when Mu Qing stormed up to him. "What the hell? I've done nothing but care for you all day and this is how you respond when I say that we can't cuddle? Are you a baby or some shit?" He groaned before rolling his eyes and slapping Feng Xin. "I-I'm sorry." He said, instantly regretting what he had done. "It's fine just go..." Feng Xin mumbled. "No. What I did was wrong and I'm making it up to you. What he did next shocked Feng Xin to his core. He dove on top of him and started hugging his ribs into pieces. 

"A-ah! I'm happy in you just want to cuddle but do you really have to crush my innards while you do it?" He laughed. "Yes." Mu Qing quickly replied before getting into a comfortable position. "What if you get sick?" Feng Xin said worrying all over again. "Who cares? You need me." He kissed Feng Xin before letting him drift off to sleep. 

Once again a short story idk what's up with me rn

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