drafts :3

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Thank you for the idea @Ashie_Is_Kawai    :)

These are going to be summaries of the drafts I've written and you guys can pick which one you would want to read first and I'll complete them in that order.

1) Heavy Metal Lover: Feng Xin and Mu Qing are neighbors, Mu Qing and his study group (Xie Lian and Ling Wen) like studying outside, conveniently, Feng Xin's band likes to practice outside simultaneously. After being invited to watch them practice, Mu Qing decides to have a genuine conversation with his neighbor (which isn't yelling at him to turn down the noise)

2) Education Connection: Feng Xin is your stereotypical jock who can't get his grades up, when his friend, Pei Ming suggests that he tries out an app named 'Education Connection' which sets them up on study dates with tutors... how bad could it possibly go? Very bad, apparently as Feng Xin matches with the bane of his existence, straight A student, Mu Qing. 

3) Mummy Issues: Feng Xin comforting Mu Qing over his mother's death (timeline: After Mu Qing and Feng Xin first ascend w/o Xie Lian). — this chapter would be very short. 

Fengqing Oneshots !Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora