Birthday !

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More platonic Fengqing?? Idk but it isn't all that romantic sorry.

It all seemed unreal. Feng Xin knew the years had flown by, but he didn't expect to be celebrating maybe 1000th, maybe 1100th, birthday? He had lost track of all the years but he still remembered his birthday, he was around Xie Lian's age and he at least knew Xie Lian was 1102 that year, Hua Cheng constantly kept track.

As he walked down the main street in the heavenly capital it still felt impossible. If someone told him when he was 20 he would be living to above 1000 he would've laughed it off as them being a crazy person, especially with all that passed during that time with the banishment and downfall of Xianle. 

"Congratulations Nan Yang." Ling Wen offered a warm smile to Feng Xin as he passed her with scrolls spilling out of her hands. "Ah let me help you with that." Feng Xin reached out to carry the scrolls and helped Ling Wen back to her. "I believe Xianle and Xuan Zhen might have something planned for you?" She chuckled before thanking him and continuing with her work, no matter who the heavenly emperor was and what state the Heavenly Capital was in she was always busy. "Mu Qing? His highness? I doubt it..." He scoffed although it was more of a sad sigh.

Although it was his birthday it never has and never will excuse him from his duties. His table had a small portion filled with scrolls of his duties. 'Right there was one from yesterday about a ghost causing trouble in-' His train of thought was disrupted by the mountains of scrolls missing from their usual neverending pile. 

He immediately rushed out of the small study, out to some junior officials commencing their own work. "Ah! Nan Yang! Happy-" Feng Xin immediately cut off the pleasantries. "Thank you but there's no time. Have you seen my prayer and duties!?" The junior official could only give him a confused look as if saying 'Why are you worried about all of those going missing?' in truth, he wouldn't have minded since it was such a headache on his part, but it seemed all too suspicious. "Sorry, I haven't but if I see anyone with them or anything like that I'll let you know." 

Now that people were looking for them there wasn't much he could do. Ling Wen did say that Xie Lian and Mu Qing might have something planned for him, even though he doubted it he decided he might as well check it out. He and Mu Qing had grown closer after the battle with Jun Wu and some might say they had a small relationship but they still fought constantly, he doubted Mu Qing even really knew when his birthday was. 'Well I have some reports to give to him anyway might as well use that as an excuse'. He thought to himself before picking up a stack of documents and making his way to the Palace of Xuan Zhen. 

"Mu Qing!" He called out, noticing the weird looks he was getting for not addressing him properly he corrected himself. "Xuan Zhen! Open up!" Soon enough a young official opened the doors to the palace. "How can I help you, Nan Yang?" He was a bit disappointed Mu Qing didn't answer himself but he replied nonetheless. "I have some reports for Xuan Zhen... speaking of which have you seen him?" The junior official looked to the side before turning back to face him. "Sorry no, I think he went out with Xianle for a mission." With that, the door was quickly closed in his face.

"That was... strange?" Pei Ming and Ling Wen were casually strolling down the street with scrolls, obviously in a deep argument. "Ah! Ling Wen! No means to interrupt... whatever your important conversation is? But whereabouts did Xianle and Xuan Zhen go for their mission?" Ling Wen's puzzled face looked across to Pei Ming's own and then back to Feng Xin. "Xianle and Xuan Zhen don't have any missions?" Ling Wen calmly stated. "In fact, they came to me yesterday with all their reports in order... they don't have any work at all." Pei Ming finished. "Who can really trust Ol' Pei though? He still thinks he knew the water master better." Ling Wen faked a deep sigh before strolling off with Pei Ming who was still fuming. 

Since they weren't on a mission that junior official was probably some form of a decoy. Which obviously meant, back to the palace of Xuan Zhen although this time he wouldn't spare pleasantries. Feng Xin burst through the door quickly and quietly before sneaking over to where the official had looked over to. "Aha! Aha?" To his surprise Xie Lian and Mu Qing were both lying on the ground in a pool of sweat with Hua Cheng lazily standing above them, fanning Xie Lian's face. "Gege? Are you tired?" Clearly overcome with worry.

"Um? Qing? Your Highness? What's going on?" Feng Xin stood there perplexed but once his arrival had become known to the other three they immediately shot up. "Feng Xin! Aiya! Um... Mu Qing why don't you go ahem... you know!" Xie Lian immediately cried before launching Mu Qing over and leading the two of them out the door. "ah? Wai- Wait! I have to ask-" The door once again was slammed in his face although now Mu Qing was there.

"What's going on? Why did the junior official tell me you two were on a mission... and why's Hua Cheng here?" Feng Xin immediately started interrogating the very dazed Mu Qing. "Idiot! We were setting up a surprise for your birthday!" He screamed before rubbing his head. "Now stop asking questions or this headache will never go away!" Feng Xin paused before falling over laughing. "Aha! You? and Xie Lian? Give me? A birthday gift? Please don't make me laugh, I'd rather just spend time with you guys." He chuckled before wrapping his arms around Mu Qing's waist and pulling him into a hug. "Eh?"

Feng Xin then grabbed his hand and led him over to his own palace. "For example... wait... did you finish all my prayers and duties?" Mu Qing looked over guiltily. "So you did notice? Yeah... I didn't want you to be doing work on your birthday..." He mumbled. "Haha! The old Xuan Zhen's a sap... thank you." He leaned over and planted a small kiss on his cheek before leading him inside. "As if you can talk you've hugged and kissed me in the last 2 minutes alone." Mu Qing rolled his eyes before continuing. "What about His Highness and Hua Cheng?" Feng Xin paused again before replying. "I just called them over. We can just have dinner together." 

Feng Xin really didn't need a huge party with all of the upper court officials exchanging fake pleasantries, sure most of them were nice but some of them were just minor extras who spent their days gambling away in the upper court communication array with merits that weren't even theirs, to begin with. He'd rather sit at home with his friend and boyfriend... plus his friend's husband who tagged along most of the time for some reason and have dinner and talk. 


I have no fucking clue when Feng Xin's birthday is but hope u enjoyed <3

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