Stalking Training gone very very wrong !

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Mu Qing was out for a walk around the heavenly capital, many gods waved to him as they passed, and since he didn't want to seem rude he nodded back to them. When people asked he told them he was going for a walk but really he was looking for a deputy god of his that was supposed to help him with some reports, what could be holding them up? They were supposed to hand in the reports by 6. It was well into the night now.

As he walked past one of the training grounds currently used by some random god, he hadn't checked the list today, he heard giggles, they sounded like a school girl with a crush on someone. As he looked around the bush he found... "G-general? What are you doing here?" The very same deputy god he had been looking for all morning was engaging in perverse activities such as watching the deputy gods of another general training. "What is the meaning of this? Explain yourself quickly." Mu Qing looked down at them furious, their friend who was sitting beside them jumped at the opportunity. "General Xuan Zhen, it is not my place to answer but I am a deputy god of the palace of Ling Wen and me and my accomplice were taking a walk to help deliver these reports to you until we saw... general na-" The deputy god of Ling Wen's was hit over the head by Mu Qing's own deputy god and hushed. "An unknown general and their deputy gods training, we hope you excuse us from doing such horrible and perverse things." 

Mu Qing looked across from where they were hiding and saw who they were looking at and replied with a scoff. "Really? General Nan Yang's training session? I'd expect someone mildly attractive for you to be ogling at so much that your reports are past your deadline. You will come to the palace tomorrow to start your detention. I'd expect better from you, and I will inform Ling Wen of your behavior." He turned to address the other official present. "Hm. That's funny I thought I was attractive enough last night." He spun around to see Feng Xin half grinning and half annoyed. "A-xi- General Nan Yang." Mu Qing bowed his head. "We apologize for the disturbance and will take this conversation elsewhere." He glared at the two officials urging them to follow him. "What no goodbye kiss?" Feng Xin fake pouted. "Shut up." Mu Qing groaned trying to cover his flushed face, dragging the deputy gods by their robes away from Feng Xin who was laughing his head off. 

"A-xin? Seriously General?" Both officials were now rolling around on the concrete laughing. "shh! Keep it down there are upper court officials around!" Pei Ming walked past them confused looking at Mu Qing for answers. "Because of this, I have called Lady Ling Wen immediately through the communication arra-" Before he could finish his sentence and furious and tired Ling Wen appeared out of nowhere ready to drag her deputy god's sorry ass to detention. "What happened to explain everything you have 5 minutes I am drowning in reports and you have to come and cause trouble." Ling Wen demanded. "Sorry, here is what happened. General Xuan Zhen caught me and my friend- accomplice looking... looking at General Nan Yang's officials..." Then a smirk spread across their faces. "Whatever are you smiling for?" Ling Wen was about to explode. "Well, then General Nan Yang saw him and said 'I was attractive enough last night." At this Ling Wen's eyes widened and she looked over at Mu Qing for reassurance. "And then General Xuan Zhen called him- A-xin." Both of them fell back on the floor laughing. Ling Wen also giggled at this. "You're still in trouble, may-may I enquire what happened next?" Ling Wen stifled her laughter and composed herself. "General Xuan Zhen tried to take us away and General Nan Yang sai-said 'no goodbye kiss?" Now all 3 of them were rolling around laughing their heads off. "L-ling Wen... It's not that funny." Mu Qing covered his face embarrassed. "Oh yes it is General Xuan Zhen... or should I say General Nan Yang's husband?" 

Then Mu Qing ran off like a little school girl crying the end jk it doesn't end that way.

Or does it? 

No, it doesn't.

Feng Xin suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "I agree that really isn't funny." Mu Qing smiled. "Thank you, GENERAL NAN YANG." He tried to emphasize that he never called him A-xin. "Your welcome A-QING" Feng Xin screamed back. That was it now there were 4 gods/goddesses rolling around laughing. "This is no way to be talking to an upper-court official, especially as an upper-court official yourselves, Feng- General Nan Yang and Ling Wen." It seemed as though the four of them only just remembered where they were and who was watching them. Pei Ming didn't seem to have left just then a few minutes ago. He stuck around to watch what happened. "Noble Jie!" He whooped. "Wow! What a show! Noble Jie laughing and rolling around in the dirt." All of them looked at their dirty robes ashamed. "I won't tell anyone of your dirty gay little secret." Pei Ming looked like he wanted to join them in the mud but held his attractiveness higher than laughter. 

"Shame all of you did this in the communication array unknowingly." He smiled. Everyone's jaws immediately dropped. "Let's go clean up this mess Ling Wen, General Nan Yang. and General Ming Guang." Mu Qing snapped around furious. "And don't think I forgot about you! Papers on my desk. And your sorry ass in detention." He collected himself once again and the three officials walked off to fix the mess they had made of themselves that day.

Fengqing Oneshots !حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن