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Avneet : Raghav, don't cross your lines else? (In a threatning voice)

Judge : miss kaur, please calm down. And Raghav ask only relevant to this case.

Raghav : sir, this is relevant to this matter only, if you allow me sir, I wanna ask some questions from miss nandra?

Avneet : what the hell? I am a lawyer not a accuse or witness?

Raghav : I gave a special notice to court and if court allow me I wanna ask you few questions?

Judge : it's on miss nandra, if she wants to answer?

Raghav : I don't think, Avneet mam run from the truth? Will you?

Avneet : ask?

Raghav : so mam, with due respect I wanna know why you are presenting this case.

Avneet (laughed a bit) : I know you have nothing left to say, as you client already proved guilty.

Raghav : but mam, according to our Constitution it's a mistake not a crime 🙅💢.

Avneet : she mentally try to abuse my client, she sexually assaulted him. She tries to blackmail him misusing his powers, later mislead the court and spread hate against my clients. I have enough reasons to ask punishment for her.

She have personal attachment with siddharth, so rage is too much

She is about to burst in anger.

Raghav : mam mam mam!! Relax. I asked you why are you taking this seriously, I mean what is your benefit in it?

Avneet : nothing, but I am human not like you.

Raghav : I understand, but this is our profession why you are doing all this for free of cost, and I get to know that Siddharth and his mother is staying with you. Why?

Avneet : none of your business.

Raghav : it is my business, your honor, miss nandra came between my client Ananya and Siddharth. My client had a thing for this boy and she liked him, that night it was all fun and love making.

Stay tuned.

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